Tillich’s Wartime Addresses to Nazi Germany
"The spell must be broken so that the German people can live."--Paul Tillich, May 9, 1944
Paul Tillich broadcasted one hundred Voice of
America speeches to the German people during 1942 to 1944. Tillich’s collected
speeches in, “Against The Third Reich,” Paul Tillich’s
Wartime Addresses to Nazi Germany 1942 to D-Day 1944 (pdf. referred to as WAN here
after), represent about half of the broadcasts.
[1] Any person listening
to these broadcasts, or reading anti-Nazi pamphlets did so at great risk for
they could be punished by torture and death. Philosophy students Hans and Sophie Scholl
were beheaded by guillotine for distributing anti-Hilter leaflets at Munich
University in 1943. A University janitor identified the Scholls as the students
who threw leaflets in a campus building. Czech theologian Jakub S. Trojan
reported that anyone listening to the Voice of America broadcasts could be
executed. During President FDR’s administration, Voice of America was not
allowed to broadcast false information. [2]
Tillich’s speeches refer to the Nazis as the “National
Socialist dictatorship.” Tillich became a religious socialist after WWI
during which he held a higher military rank than Hitler.
[3] Socialism was very popular with German labor
during the late 1800s and early 1900's so the title of “socialist” was very
common like the title “democracy” became popular after WWII. What made “National
Socialism” different from other sects of socialism was its fanatical
support for an anti-Communist, militaristic, racist, totalitarian state.
Concern and Idolatry
Tillich addresses subjects such as the community,
power politics, freedom, justice, truth, hate, guilt, and de-humanization. He
frequently reports on the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis reminding
listeners “to be anti-Jewish was to be antiChristian” (WAN, p. 6).
Parochial nationalism is called anti-Christian and idolatrous by Tillich and is
the primary focus of his criticism throughout the broadcasts. He defined
idolatry as “the elevation of a preliminary concern to ultimacy”(ST.,Vol.I, p.13). Also, Tillich re-interprets
the meaning of “religion” to give theology greater relevancy in order to
formulate a contemporary socio-political “theology of culture.” Tillich
expanded the concept of “religion” to mean ultimate concern: “The object of
theology is what concerns us ultimately. Only those propositions are
theological which deal with their object in so far as it can become a matter of
ultimate concern for us.” (Ibid., p. 12). And again Tillich explains,
“like every human being, he [the philosopher] exists in the power of an
ultimate concern, whether or not he is fully conscious of it, whether or not he
admits it to himself and to others.”(Ibid., p. 24).
Ultimate concern is for Tillich the essentially
religious and an object for theological analysis. Idolatry takes something
conditional and elevates it to the unconditional; the particular is given
universal significance; the finite is raised to the level of the infinite. If
holiness is considered inherent in something, it becomes demonic. Holy
objects symbolically represent human ultimate concern, but over time the
object, or a system of sacred things tend to become the ultimate concern that
then transforms the holy objects into an idol, “Holiness provokes idolatry”(Ibid.,
p. 216). Idolatry is committed when the relative symbol itself is
substituted for the reality of the symbolized. The infinite is reduced to an
object; symbols become mere signs, spirituality becomes empty, or misdirected
ritual. Religious nationalism is the epitome of idolatry that sets in motion an
anti-demonic struggle for Christians.
Tillich’s broadcast on the defeat of Nazi nationalist belief, he named them a “National
Socialist tribal religion against the Christian spirit” (WAN, p.163). The
Nazis fought against Christianity because they understood Christianity had “a
particular attitude toward life” that was the complete antithesis to
Nazism. Nationalist self-idolatry has its origins in tribalism older than
Christianity where “every tribe considered itself to be the greatest in the
world.” Christianity attempted to rise above this nationalistic tribalism
to proclaim one law, truth, justice, and one God--not a national god. A
universal God symbolizes the unity of humankind, unity of justice in all
nations that uphold the dignity of every person and not one tribe or race, or the
idolatry of nationalism—the “dragon of pagan idolatry.” When ancient
Israel chose the god of nationalism, the people were “surrendered to foreign
powers by the God who was its God.” As the Christian church became weak and
irrelevant, ancient pagan nationalistic gods “rose from their graves,” and
“equates its own limited power with the highest power and, in
this way, destroys itself.” He urged the German people to “return
home” to Christianity and humankind.
warned that Nazi Nationalists wanted to put the German people in the condition
where they could be “dragged to the slaughterhouse” by exploiting a
fearful nation which renders people unable to form clear judgments. The Nazis
instill a “false fear-phantom” of an unknown future to drum up “heroic
courage” so the German people will endure their present hardships and
continue to sacrifice themselves keeping the sorcerers of fear in power. Like
the Japanese, the Nazis turned the belief of their own sacredness of blood and
soil into barbarity, arrogance and a false sense of national invulnerability.
Tillich warns, “One can deal with what one fears. But out of anxiety one
must awaken.”
testifies how German youth are educated by state “preachers and teacher, and
educators of death” to seek the meaning of life in the death of an
opponent, or one’s own death. Community, instead of providing life, turns
education against humanity and any true religious-ethical meaning. They hate
the spirit and try to kill the spirit, distort truth, deface justice, and teach
tragic heroism. Educators teach a cult of death and heroism, which is really
“an education for the extinguishing of all personality and for the
mechanization of all humanity”(WAN, p. 45). Germany allowed itself to
become “half willingly, half unwillingly” an instrument of destruction and
self-destruction and are now entrapped by Nazi power.
How did
Germany with such an advanced culture become the instrument of Nazi power?
Tillich gives three reasons: 1). Germany, especially German
Protestant religion, emphasized escapism from this life to another afterlife.
German Evangelical churches in particular speak of the kingdom of heaven as
otherworldly, and should not have any power in this world. However, this
otherworldly attitude hands “this world over to satanic powers.” Tillich
noted that Catholicism and Protestant Anglo-Saxon religions always felt
responsible for the political and social organization of this world. 2.) German
Protestantism withdrew from the political sphere by emphasizing spiritual freedom
and setting themselves in opposition to political freedom. Freedom of thought
which only means the freedom to dream replaced freedom of life (WAN, p. 54).
Lastly, 3) the political sphere became ideologically separated from the human.
In Germany, the nation and authority become separated. The
original relationship between the nation and authority was forgotten so that
political power became inhuman power in hands of the Nazi Nationalists.
Government is accountable to the nation so that the political sphere is not
outside the human, or the religious, or the intellectual for these are “part of
what it means to be human, the absence of which makes full humanity
impossible”(Ibid, p. 55).
views Nazi Nationalism as a revival of an ancient pre-Christian pre-historic
repressed barbarism by pre-human monsters that are malicious to spiritual
depth, freedom, and individual human dignity. In fact, they desire and
compulsively seek human degradation. Nazi Nationalism is the “ancient dragon”
that must be slain. Nazi Nationalism can easily give security with slavery, but
not security with freedom. The German people could not tolerate freedom because
they never had to struggle for freedom and have genuine revolutions like other
countries and so stayed submissive to authority of the princes, nobles,
teachers, magistrates, property owners, and mayors. What makes this false
fanatical nationalistic German revival so frightening is its synthesis of
ancient barbarism with a modern Machine Age Anti-Humanism that replaces all
authentic community traditions with an artificially created “phantom”
culture. [4] The German government
preferred a society of human machine to true human beings. Young men are made
into war machines, and young women into incubators (WAN, p. 231).
Nationalistic fascism only produce “semi-intellectual
products,” taken from inferior ideals dressed in un-German anti-Christian
symbolism that is affirmed by the “priests of German idol worship.”
urges the German people to spiritually separate themselves and break away from
the enslaving Nazi spirit. They are “thieves of millions who are
adorned with medals,” and even worse than this they “deliberately set
the earth aflame”(WAN, p. 201). The Nazis know that they are
losing the war and want to disappear so to re-appear later when conditions are
right. For now they urge the German people to fight against the Allies only to
prolong Nazi rule as long as possible so to prolong their lives. The fascists
reason that even if they lose their life in battle they at least escaped facing
justice. In other words, the Nazis are heading to catastrophe and are willing
to let the world perish with them while “knowingly allow German people to
bleed to death for the sake of their power”(WAN, p. 236).
Page numbers cited are the original book’s pagination, and not the pdf
document page numbers.
On July 2, 2013 the U.S. repealed
the ban on broadcasting propaganda to the American people. Today the
Pentagon posts directly and by proxy on social media to influence news and
political commentary.
Interestingly, William L. Shirer wrote in his book, The
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1960), “…there is no
doubt that Corporal Hitler earned the Iron Cross, First Class” (p. 30).
Tillich must of known that “phantom” in Greek eidolon (εἴδωλον ) as in “ideology,” means both “idol”
and “phantom.” He avoided all
academic language in his broadcasts.
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My
I've been downhearted baby
Ever since the day we met
Jan lays down and wrestles in her sleep
Moonlight spills on comic books
And superstars in magazines
An old friend calls and tells us where to meet
Her plane takes off from Baltimore
And touches down on Bourbon Street
We sit outside and argue all night long
About a god we've never seen
But never fails to side with me
Sunday comes and all the papers say
Ma Teresa's joined the mob
And happy with her full time job
I've been downhearted baby
Ever since the day we met
Am I alive or thoughts that drift away?
Does summer come for everyone?
Can humans do as prophets say?
And if I die before I learn to speak
Can money pay for all the days I lived awake
But half asleep?
A life is time, they teach you growing up
The seconds ticking killed us all
A million years before the fall
You ride the waves and don't ask where they go
You swim like lions through the crest
And bathe yourself in zebra flesh
I've been downhearted baby
Ever since the day we met
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