Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Rise of Fascism in Post-WWII America

19,000 words
54 pages

Essay Subheadings:

Paul Tillich on Blood and Soil Cults
Tillich on Socialist Inner-Conflict with Free Enterprise Economics
The Un-American Fascist Congress of the 1930s
The Parallelism of American Fascism and Christian Fundamentalism
Ministries of Hate
They Overplayed Their Hand
The Tricky Dick
The Four D's of FDR
The Non-Confessing Church
Allen Dulles Gaslights America
The Paines (sic) of Government Intelligence
Meditations on the Diremption of Spirit

The Rise of Fascism in Post-WWII America

Paul Tillich on Blood and Soil Cults

I finished reading Paul Tillich's book "The Socialist Decision," (1933) (pdf.) (SD) which is about the complex inter-conflicts between socialism, religious socialism, capitalist class domination (bourgeoisie), the Cults of Origin such as Blood and Soil cultural elements, proletariat (literally meaning "without property"), Marxism, Hegelianism, economic liberalism, and democracy. The Nazis burned this book, and then offered Tillich a prestigious Chair of Philosophy at the University of Berlin if he denounced it. Tillich laughed in their face. And the Nazi would have never keep their promised offer since Tillich knew the Nazi paramilitary was looking for him for a comment he made in private to an old friend that the Nazi Field Marshal ,Goebbels, was a drug addict (which he was). The book is well written and easy to read, but the interplay between all these political forces are complex and change in time. His understanding of these forces is from his experience in Germany witnessing the rise of the Nazi cults of Blood and Soil.

A key concept of capitalism is the belief in cosmic harmony. Tillich makes the distinction between natural harmony and metaphysical harmony. We know the harmony thesis today as the "Free Market" of Laissez-faire capitalism, or liberalism. Tillich uses the term bourgeois principle, which "views reality as a set of objects that can be rationally controlled (SD, p. xxii)." The "prebourgeois" represent feudalistic origin-cults that ally themselves with the bourgeois for joint power. With these definitions the following paragraph should be understandable.

"By virtue of their common belief in harmony, the interpenetration of liberalism and democracy is yet further deepened. Liberalism believes in a natural harmony which comes to pass through the free play of the productive forces. Democracy does not believe in natural harmony; it does believe, however, that nature can be subjugated to reason. It believes in a metaphysical harmony which is certain to prevail in the historical process. Nature is knowable, and can be put into the service of humanity, because the categories of the human mind are the elements that give nature its structure. Society can be rationally shaped because the human race is involved in a process of education toward reason, the goal of which will somehow finally be reached. This belief in harmony, whether in the one form or the other, is the most profound principle of the Western Enlightenment, though it often remains unrecognized. It is the principle that has given the Enlightenment its optimism and has given bourgeois society its world historical power. If the belief in harmony is shaken, the bourgeois principle is shaken. The bourgeois principle cannot be protected from this shock by giving up the liberal belief in natural harmony, while maintaining the belief in a metaphysical harmony to be achieved through human action. Without the liberal element, democracy’s expectation of progress is nothing more than a belief in miracles. For without the liberal premise,[natural harmony] democracy cannot explain how, out of the arbitrariness of all individuals, a power can emerge that educates toward reason and achieves the reasonable. It cannot do without the concept of natural harmony in its description either of the individual or of society. If it nevertheless wants to give up this concept, it is compelled to fall back on prebourgeois, origin-related elements (SD, p. 51; brackets added)."

Tillich has other insights into the relationships between the socialists, bourgeois, the state, and the proletariat. Remember Tillich wrote this book just before the Nazi's took power in 1933. His talent for dialectical analysis is applied to the dynamics between the various groups mentioned above and the analysis holds up even today to interpret the rise of the Trumpian Cults of Irrationality in America. His book is an excellent demonstration of dialectical reasoning that can be learned and applied to other subject matters. Tillich believes that religious socialism can provide resolution into the inner-conflicts of socialist belief, socialist view of human nature, socialist concept of society, culture, community, and economics. His book is only 160 pages, but he makes so many good points that it took a lot of effort to completely read. I can understand why the Nazis wanted Tillich to denounce his own book.

"...for the sake of socialism the proletariat must fight for its class interest over the bourgeois interest. It must use the means of power in order to overcome power in principle. It must deny the state as an instrument of bourgeois class rule, and at the same time must conquer it in order to establish proletarian class rule. The goal of the conquest of the state is the abolition of state, power, and class. In the present, power is opposed by power so that in the future, power can renounce power. Socialist belief thus once more shows itself to be a belief in miracles, both in its interpretation of human nature and in its interpretation of society. The bourgeoisie took advantage of its power to effect its own class rule. It broke with the belief in a harmony between the bourgeoisie and society in general that it originally held, although it still maintains it as an ideology. The proletariat, or, more precisely, the militant and power-bearing group of the proletariat, is to give up voluntarily the power that it has won. Here the bourgeois belief in harmony is to prove true, even though it has never done so as regards the bourgeoisie itself. Here power is to overcome itself by reason (SD, p. 76)."

The Socialist Inner-Conflict with Free Enterprise Economics

Tillich describes the inner conflict that socialism has with capitalism and its reaction to unregulated capitalism and their political allies. His historical analysis is still applicable to today’s political and economic situation in America. The bourgeois’ belief in natural cosmic harmony is reinforced and justified by the discovered rational laws of economic liberalism (unrestrained Laissez faire market capitalism) that provides for the greatest good for the greatest number of society (the liberal principle). However, the proletarian experience has been different with cyclical economic crises resulting in inflation, then deflation, unemployment, imperial wars, and general insecurity resulting from the political alliances between the bourgeois and pre-bourgeois feudalism. These allied groups force socialism to embrace the same liberal view of the economy as rational in order to counter the irrational influences injected into the economy by feudalistic groups such as large landowners, artisans, and even the peasantry that accept liberalistic harmony. Socialism rejects nationalism while forced politically to embrace “free trade” over import duties, and to protect certain groups such as industrial workers from severe exploitation by counter measures such as unionization, but these efforts end up only being temporary. Tillich describes this situation from personal experience in Germany:

The temporary improvement of market conditions for a particular domestic group, for example, cannot delude the proletariat, even if it profits from it, since it has to pay for its advantage in terms of an increase in the price of goods in its own country, and, in the long run, by a worsening of sales because of retaliatory measures. Thus everything appears to drive the proletariat toward an affirmation of the free market. But at the same time, everything speaks against it. The proletariat experiences the destruction of the liberal principle [natural harmony] in the frightful irrationality of the economic crisis.20 It knows from experience that the liberal method in economics leads to periods of terrible pauperization, and furthermore that even under the most favorable of market conditions, the share of the proletariat in the goods produced is extremely modest in comparison to the share of the opposing class. It experiences the class struggle as a reality that is inseparably bound up with the free enterprise economy, a reality that annuls its claim to be the most rational economic scheme (SD, p. 90; bold text added)."

Socialism seeks to replace the crisis-creating state of unrestrained competition” with a centrally planned economy, and jettisons faith in harmony in the market below with the democratic belief that “Rationality in economics is not to be abrogated but is to be placed into the hands of human being (Ibid., p. 90).Anti-liberal socialism must work with groups of disparate conflicting interests who are at the same time manipulated as a class by the bourgeois who accepts metaphysical harmony of reason. Because of class divisions socialism must “fall back upon powers of origin(i.e., the values connected with the past, such as regional, cultural, and ethnic heritage) to struggle the bourgeois and their cult of irrationality allies , but at the same time appeal to economic reason.

For more details regarding this political dialectic see Tillich’s “The Socialist Decision(pdf.), pages 89-91.

The Un-American Congress

"And these citizens are united only by one thing and this is true. That is, you become a citizen in the United States by a simple consent to the is a sacred document. It is the constant remembrance of the sacred act. And that is the act of foundation. And the foundation is to make a union out of wholly disparate ethnic minorities and regions and still have a union and do not assimilate or level down these differences. And all this is very difficult to understand for a foreigner. It's what a foreigner never understands. We can say this is a government by law and not by men to what extent that is true and needs to be true for the well-being of the country." -- Hannah Arendt, 1973 interview (2:45 min.).

I first discovered Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins' book "The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America," (2003-2008 ) in 2004 while studying the history of fascism, an interest developed from reading Herbert Marcuse on totalitarianism who was associated with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, and also reading "The Authoritarian Personality" (1950) authored by Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford, at the University of California, Berkeley during WWII about the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany.

Those books are extremely abstract and theoretical, while on the other hand most WWII video documentaries only recount battles and dates without examining fascism in depth, but Yeadon and Hawkins researched the historical facts of how German Fascism infiltrated the United States Congress in the 1930s operating a huge pro-Nazi German propaganda publishing machine paid for by the US taxpayer, some of whom died in war against the Axis Powers while getting paid $50 dollars a month as soldiers. The Hydra text examines the influence of Nazi fascism in US corporate law, shocking corporate economic sabotage, Red Scare propaganda campaigns, the Klansman preachers, American eugenics, the Bush Banking Crime Family, seditionist insurrection against Franklin D. Roosevelt, Republicans elections & Nazis, the corrupt US media, the failure of the FBI, the success of the OSS and the fascist insurrection in America--it's a 543 page well researched book for free here (pdf.), but I purchased my copy to give moral support to the authors. It is a great resource text for historical reference even if you don't read it cover to cover. The table of contents list is at the end of the book.

George “Swastika” Viereck​

Our current 118th United States Congress is the most corrupt since the 1930s Congress in which numerous US Congressmen were secretly receiving monies from the Nazi agent propagandist George "Swastika" Viereck who supplied the Republican Minnesota populist Congressman Ernest Lundeen with isolationist pro-fascist propaganda articles and speeches in hope of delaying or preventing the US from entering WWII against Hitler.

Minnesota Congressman Ernest Lundeen​

After the death of Lundeen in a mysterious plane crash, special assistant to the Attorney General, William Maloney, discovered other Congressional members were also being paid by the Nazis to use the US Congressional postal system to mail free of charge hundreds of thousands of ghost-written Nazis propaganda tracks with congressmen as pseudo authors. Congressman Lundeen had taken money not only from the Nazi Viereck, but from the German Foreign Ministry Ambassador Thomsen. Interestingly, the investigative journalist turned propagandist, George Creel, agreed to write for Thomsen before Peral Harbor interrupted the book deal (NH, p. 176)."

Here is a partial list of the treasonous congressmen indicted by special assistant to the Attorney General, William on July 21, 1942, of mostly Republicans from Minnesota and Michigan*:

Stephen Day (Republican from Illinois)
Hamilton Fish (Republican New York) (Absolutely the worst)
Rush Holt (Democrat West Virginia)
Ernest Lundeen Republican (Farmer-Labor Minnesota)
John Alexander Republican Minnesota
Philip Bennett Republican Missouri
Usher Burdick Republican North Dakota
Worth Clark Democrat Idaho
Cliff Clevenger Republican Ohio
Henry Dworshak Republican Idaho
Clare Hoffman Republican Michigan
Edwin Johnson Democrat Colorado
Bartell Jonlman Republican Michigan
Harold Knutson Republican Minnesota
Robert LaFollette Republican Wisconsin
Gerald Nye Republican North Dakota
Robert Reynolds Democrat North Carolina
Paul Shafer Republican Michigan
Henrik Shipstead Republican Minnesota
William Stratton Republican Illinois
Martin Sweeney Democrat Ohio
Jacob Thorkelson Republican Montana
George Tinkham Republican Massachusetts
Burton Wheeler Democrat Montana (Also, among the worst of the American fascists congressmen)

*Source, see Glen Yeadon's book, "The Nazi Hydra,"(2003-2008 ) (NH) (pdf.) p. 175.

Yeadon notes that the Nazi corruption of Congress continued from the 1930s to the 1940 election. The Republican Party was profiting from a secret Nazi election slush fund:

"On the eve of the Republican National Convention [1940], money from this Nazi slush fund was used in a propaganda blitz for the isolationists. One Republican congressman received $3,000 for heading up a contingent of fifty isolationists. The Nazi money was well spent, as the convention closed with a party platform plank firmly opposed to US involvement in the war. The Nazis were especially pleased to note that the platform plank was taken almost verbatim from the full-page German propaganda ads placed in the New York Times on June 25. 35 Stephen Day had been paid thousands of dollars to form the committee publishing the ad. Day, a Republican congressman from Illinois, would be named as a fascist collaborator by [US District Attorney] Maloney. The ad was signed by Representatives Samuel Pettingill, Harold Knudsen, John O'Conner and Hamilton Fish, and Senators Edwin Johnson, Bennett Clark, David Walsh, Burton Wheeler and Rush Holt. [superscript 101] Both Lewis and Democratic Senator Burton Wheeler, a leading isolationist, spoke before the convention (NH, p. 154)."

When the German ambassador Thomsen was busted and funds seized by the FBI, he had three million dollars remaining of five million dollars to spend on the 1940 Republican elections:

"Regardless of whether the Nazis spent only $2 million or the full $5 million dollars, they were a major source of campaign funds for the Republicans in 1940. While the total amount of Nazis funds spent on the Republican 1940 campaign may never be known with any certainty, from the funds recovered in the embassy raid it is clear that at least $2 million was spent from the slush fund alone. Therefore, the lower limit is at least $2 million. In short, a major proportion ranging from 15% to over 33% of the Republican campaign funds in 1940 came directly from the Nazis. Considering the fact major industrialists were active supporters of the Nazis and large donors to the Republican Party, well over 50% of the Republican campaign funding in 1940 came either directly from Nazis in Berlin or those within the United States (NH, p. 155)."

These acts of treason pale in comparison to those of Democratic Senator Burton Wheeler of Montana when, unbelievably, he leaked to Hitler through the pro-fascist Chicago Tribune newspaper America's WWII strategic military plans against Nazi Germany:

" was on the eve of the war with Germany that Wheeler revealed himself as a traitor and a fascist. On December 4, 1941, the pro-fascist Chicago Tribune and its' sister publication the Washington Times Herald printed the plans for the top-secret Rainbow 5 Plan.

Rainbow 5 was the battle plan developed by the military in case war broke out. Publishing the plan or leaking information about the plan would be the equivalent of publishing or leaking the battle order of the Pentagon during the Cold War. Unquestionably, leaking such a plan was an act of treason. In Hitler's speech declaring war against the United States on December 11, 1945, the final straw he listed was as follows.

'With no attempt at an official denial there has now been revealed in America, President Roosevelt's plan by which, at the latest in 1943, Germany and Italy are to be attacked in Europe by Military means.'43

Amazing as it may seem, no one was charged with treason or sedition, not the Chicago Tribune, not Wheeler and not the army officer that delivered the papers to Wheeler despite an FBI investigation. Remember this was the battle plan in case war broke out. It was top secret and fewer than a dozen copies of the report were ever produced (NH, p. 214)."

This era of American history shows just how crazy our democratic congress can become, and it even gets worse.

US CEOs Provide Nazi Germany War Production and Sabotage America

Before examining the role of American Christian sects played during the 1930s and 1940s as the German Nazis rose to power, let us revisit what American politicians, and the big corporate business leaders were up to during the time leading up to the outbreak of WWII.

I have been reviewing only some of the high points of Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins’ book on American Fascism, “The Nazi Hydra,” that in part researched fascist Germany’s effort to delay FDR’s entering WWII as an ally of Great Britain during the 1930’s until Pearl Harbor, December 4, 1940. The German Nazi government had successfully infiltrated the US Congress and by July 21, 1942, Attorney General, William Maloney indicted twenty-eight persons (24 were Congressmen), thirty publications and twenty-six organizations for receiving Nazi propaganda money (Ibid., p. 174). The German Embassy had already spent about three million dollars out of five million dollars reserved to fund the Republican November 1940 General Election. And when Japan attacked Peral Harbor Democratic Senator Burton Wheeler of Montana immediately leaked detailed US WWII military war plans. Wheeler was later responsible for removing William Maloney from the investigation and indictment of the treasonous US Congressmen.

However, as unAmerican as the indicted Congressmen were, American corporations were even worse. Yeadon/Hawkins notes the “…majority of support for fascism and opposition to the war came from the leaders of corporate America. It was the leaders of corporate America who were behind the plot to seize the White House and install a fascist government. It was the leaders of corporate America who were building the Third Reich's war machine as the statement from the US Ambassador to Germany, William Dodd, noted. And it would be the leaders of corporate America who went on a sit-down strike to prevent the production of war munitions first for the Lend Lease program and then for our own troops once war was declared (Ibid., p. 216; bold text added).”

Pro-Nazi Domestic Terrorists Go Unpunished "Der Tag"

During 1940 to 1945 American corporate leaders conspired to prevent or delay the delivery of munitions intended for Britain’s war against Nazi Germany in a “Lend Lease agreement.” At least four separate munitions factories in the United States mysteriously blew up, three power factories about 20 minutes travel time apart exploded at the same time.

"The Day"

These particular acts of sabotage are not covered in “The Hydra,” but Rachel Maddow includes great detail in her third chapter of “Ultra,” titled “The Day.” The first munitions factory to explode was during 1940 located in Kenvil, New Jersey, and was named “Hercules Powder Plant” because it was larger than 900 football fields. This explosion of 25 tons of gun powder killed 52 persons, injuring 200, or about half of all workers that day, and causing two million dollars damage leaving a 13-foot crater whose blast was felt 90 miles away. Then two months later three other separate munitions plants within 20 minutes travel time of each other —another factory in New Jersey, and two others in Pennsylvania—exploded at the same time killing sixteen additional Americans, and wounding dozens more. It turns out that an Anti-Defamation League activist, Steven Ross, leaked to the FBI before the bombings that a Los Angeles Nazi group called “Friends of New Germany,” where involved, and an informant name Neil Ness knew of the planned bomb attacks on munitions plants. Ross Ness testified in 1939 before the plant explosions:

Look, these Nazis are dangerous, and they are violent, and they are going to start– they talk about Der Tag all the time, ‘The Day,’ meaning the day that they’re going to blow up and takeover America. And he uncovers a series of plots. Amongst them are Nazis are planning to blow up military and defense installations. He says, ‘You know, we talked about blowing up the Hercules Powder Plant’ (Ibid., ‘Ultra: The Day’).”

No arrests were ever made by the FBI for these acts of sabotage, and murder by a domestic Nazi group.

Returning to Yeadon/Hawkins’ research, “The Nazi Hydra,” text documents corporate America’s organized rejection of contracts to provide Britain with war materials such as munitions, and in the case of the Ford Motor Company refused a contract to build aircraft engines for the Royal Airforce (NH., p. 217). In contrast, the famous Nazi "Blitzkrieg" method of military combat was only possible by getting the Nazi military off horseback and into a fully mechanized army. General Motors provided the Nazi army with motor vehicles (see, “Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust,” Erwin Black, Washington, DC: Dialog Press, 2009).


In another case, IBM was particularly bad. IBM used its computers that ran patented Hollerith numbered punch cards that only IBM could use and be programmed on their machines. This computer system kept tract of the Jewish population in death camps or work camps, and all the German people. Daily, camp prisoners had to stand for hours during roll calls to verify prisoner records. Prisoner deaths were recorded as "natural," "disease," and "special treatment" (gas chambers) so the American IBM programmers knew how their computers were being used (see, “IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation,” Erwin Black, New York: Crown Publishers, 2001).

Andrew Mellon

American Aluminum Company of America (Aloca) was owned by Andrew Mellon during the 1930s and dragged his feet-- and even sabotaged—implementing FDR’s efforts to increase aircraft production that needed aluminum which Mellon conveniently held a near monopoly. During the 1920s Mellon signed a “cartel agreement” with German business interests, i.e., Adolf Hitler. Yeadon/Hawkins found all the particulars:

By its cartel agreement with I.G. Farben controlled by Hitler, Alcoa sabotaged the aluminum program of the US air force. The Truman Committee heard testimony that Alcoa's representative, A.H. Bunker a dollar a year head of the aluminum section of the OPM prevented work on our $600,000,000 aluminum expansion program.
Congressman Pierce of Oregon said in May 1941: ‘To date 137 days or 371/2% of a year's production has been wasted in the effort to protect Alcoa's monopolistic position. This delay translated into planes means 10,000 fighters or 1,665 bombers.’
Not only did Alcoa own almost all of the plants that produced aluminum, but it also controlled most of the high-grade bauxite ore. Aluminum production requires massive amounts of electric power and Alcoa controlled much of the hydropower (NH., p. 217).”

Andrew Mellon had the monopolies on the necessary aluminum ore, smelting process, and even hydroelectricity. Mellon even owned land on both the American and Canadian side of the International Rapids Stretch border which produced unlimited hydroelectricity for a mere one-tenth of a penny per kilowatt-hour. On the Canadian side the power generating utility was publicly owned and charged $0.85 cents a kilowatt-hour. In contrast, on the New York side, hydroelectricity was produced by the privately owned Niagara Hudson company for $1.59 per kilowatt-hour (for more details see, Ibid., p. 218).”

Henry Ford

US investigators learned that “not only did Ford willingly build trucks for the Nazis they also helped the Nazis stockpile materials for the war with the complete knowledge of the Dearborn headquarters (Ibid., p. 269).” In another case, “When the RAF bombed the Ford plant at Poissy in March 1942, photographs of the burning plant were published in American newspapers. However, the media chains owning the majority of American newspapers were eager to protect one of their largest advertisers failed to mention that Ford owned the plant (Ibid., p. 269).” Yeadon/Hawkins note, “The first to support what became the Nazi line publicly was Henry Ford. In the early 1920s, Ford began publishing an antisemitic newspaper. Ford was also an early financial supporter of Hitler at a time when the Nazis were virtually unknown.”​

John Birch Society

None of the corporate leaders mentioned here were ever held responsible for their actions by the US government. Some congressmen later lost their seats for taking money from the Nazis, but most continued their careers specializing in John Birch Society Red-Scare propaganda. In summary: “The same corporations that were guilty of delaying war production in the sit-down strike and sponsoring pro-fascist groups at home were also guilty of knowingly trading with the Nazis during the war. A massive change in tactics was required to protect themselves from sedition or treason charges following the conclusion of the war… First, it marked the beginning of targeting those within the government that were fully opposed to fascism. Many of those within the Roosevelt administration or in the halls of Congress that called for the complete destruction of fascism were discredited, forced to resign or targeted for defeat in elections by corporate America (Ibid., p. 232).”


The Parallelism of American Fascism and Christian Fundamentalism 

The American history researched by Yeadon and Hawkins in “The Nazi Hydra” is not the version you will find in Samuel Eliot Morison’s famous text, “The Oxford History of The American People.” (1965)(OHAP)(pdf.). Morison’s history does mention briefly (Ibid., p. 972-4) the right-wing religious leader, Father Coughlin, (1891-1979) a Canadian Catholic Irish priest who moved to Detroit, Michigan during the 1930s to start a religious radio broadcast to some 30 million American listeners, or a fourth of the U.S. population at that time. Coughlin initially supported President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, but later turned against him for bailing out Wall Street Bankers. Although unorganized, Father Coughlin was just the tip of the fascist iceberg that had been in existence for many decades in American Christian churches before the multiple Wall Street bank crashes of the 1930s. U.S. Corporations and the American oligarchy blamed Roosevelt for causing the 1929 economic collapse and interfering with the depression they hoped would destroy labor unions: “Almost every man of wealth had enough resource to tide him over any conceivable depression, but he wanted the downward spiral to hit rock bottom, smash the labor unions, and reestablish the free labor market of the previous century. Roosevelt's successful effort to prevent that was his unpardonable crime; but in the eyes of the country at large, his greatest achievement (OHAP, p. 977).”

U.S. Corporations heavily invested in Germany were so outraged by Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, that some American corporate leaders began a plot in 1934 to overthrow the American government and install a fascist regime. Fanatic Hitler worshipper, Irènee du Pont (1876–1963), financed the Nazis regime through General Motors, and the J. P. Morgan Bank. Also involved in the planned coup was owner Robert Clark of the Singer Sewing machine corporation (and gun manufacturer), Grayson Murphy of Goodyear, and the Pew family of Sun Oil (see NH, p. 143). Extremist right-wing political organizations were also participating such as the American Liberty League financed by the du Pont family:

Morgan and du Pont cronies (including John J. Raskob) funded the League. Included in the League's advisory council were Dr. Samuel Hardin Church, who ran the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, W.R. Perkins of National City Bank; Alfred Sloan, CEO of GM; Joseph M. Proskauer, former New York Supreme Court Justice and the general counsel to the Consolidated Gas Company; J. Howard Pew of Sun Oil and the financier of the openly fascist Sentinels of the Republic; and David Reed, the Republican Senator from Pennsylvania who remarked on the floor of the Senate in May 1932: 'I do not often envy other countries and their governments, but I say that if this country ever needed a Mussolini, it needs one now’ (NH, p. 145).”

"Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against 
one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate 
for me—and I welcome their hatred!"
--Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency October 31, 1936​

WWI veterans Gerald MacGuire (a bonds salesman employed by the heir to the Singer Sewing machine corporation, Robert Clark) and Bill Doyle (Bill Doyle was commander of the Massachusetts American Legion) were sent to recruit the famous war hero, General Smedley Butler, to give a speech on the gold standard at an American Legion convention in the hope of eventually convincing Butler to lead 500,000 volunteers of embittered veterans in an insurrection against FDR. Sent by Robert Clark, MacGuire had gone to Germany specifically to study how military veterans were convinced to join the German Nazi movement. General Butler wanted nothing to do with the planned insurrection, but still allowed MacGuire to think he was interested. After several meetings Butler contacted journalist investigator Paul C. French who then informed FDR of the coup plot that was not unlike other reports he was getting. The McCormick-Dickstein Committee was formed on November 20, 1934, to investigate the coup plan and concluded Butler told the truth: the committee submitted a report, but the media networks suppressed the committee findings. Very little of the investigation got into the mainstream press. FDR may have decided not to go public any further since Nazi agitation propaganda would intensify and exploit widespread political unrest.

To Morison’s credit, he briefly mentions this ugly episode in his one thousand one hundred-and eighty-four-page classic text on American history, but he does not go into detail of the sabotage FDR experienced before, during, and even after the Nazis were defeated. These same Wall Street financial powerhouses that financed Germany’s pre-war military build-up successfully propagandized for the release of Nazi war criminals who in one case executed en mass 84 American soldiers with hundreds of other allied soldiers in the Malmedy, Belgium massacre (see, NH, p. 293). Here is how Morison summarized the coup plan and only many hundreds of pages later mention General Butler regarding a battle in Nicaragua:

“…Roosevelt's foreign policy sharply divided American opinion. Critics charged that it was dragging the United States inexorably into an “imperialistic" war with which we had no legitimate concern; supporters insisted that only by helping Britain and France to defeat Hitler could we save democracy from destruction and ourselves from ultimate attack. The issue was fought out in the halls of Congress, in the press, over the radio, on public platforms, in bars, offices, and homes. Party lines were shattered, labor organizations split, business relations strained, old friendships broken. William Allen White's Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies organized branches in a thousand towns, sent out hundreds of speakers and millions of letters and pamphlets to arouse the nation to its danger. The opposition organization, the America First Committee, top-billing Charles Lindbergh, paraded, picketed, protested, and preached an amalgam of isolationism and pacifism, with overtones of anti-Semitism; and it came out after the war that the “America Firsters" had accepted financial support from Germany. Newspapers like the New York Times and Herald-Tribune ranged themselves behind the presidential policy, while the Chicago Tribune found itself in a congenial alliance with Hearst ringing an alarm-bell against, ‘being dragged into war to save England’ (OHAP p. 977).”

The Many Headed Nazi Hydra and Christian Nationalism

Father Coughlin of the “Christian Front” was only one pro-Nazi propagandist among many other leaders of some Christian religious sects that held similar views and long outlasted Coughlin’s paid pro-Nazi propaganda gig which ended when Pearl Harbor was bombed on December 7, 1941. Yeadon/Hawkins’ research found Reverend Gerald K. Smith, (1898 –1976) assistant to Coughlin, was an even more important pro-Nazi religious leader and is considered the founder of Christian Identity religious movements that right-wing extremist groups embrace today. Smith was also Louisiana Governor “The Kingfish” Huey Long’s assistant in his “Share-the-Wealth” populus movement (OHAP, p. 975). Smith was a friend of Henry Ford, and a minister in the anti-Semitic cult “Disciples of Christ Church.”

Christian America” was another fascist group which successfully lobbied states for “right to work” anti-labor laws during the 1946 election in which over 200 anti-union bills would flood congress. Yeadon noted that “The rehabilitated Fred Hartley, who had supported Japan and Germany up until the moment Pearl Harbor was bombed, would co-author the anti-union Taft-Hartley act. The fascist group Christian America would successfully lobby several Southern and Midwestern states to pass anti-union right to work laws (NH, p. 260).”

Yeadon found that “Others associated with the Christian America were Alfred Sloan, CEO of GM, the du Ponts, bankers George and Joseph Widener, and Wall Street lawyer Odgen Mills (NH, p. 168 ).” Who would have known Wall Street bankers and lawyers were so holy? Associates of the wealthy Texas Kirby Family formed the group “Christian America” directed by Vance Muse whose own grandson described him as “a white supremacist, an anti-Semite, and a Communist-baiter, a man who beat on labor unions not on behalf of working people, as he said, but because he was paid to do so (Vance Muse [III], “Making Peace with Grandfather,” Texas Monthly (February 1986): 116.).” Muse was also against the Adamson Act of 1916 which gave an eight-hour workday to railroad workers—just what Jesus would do!

Another businessman religious group was the Chicago 1937 “Church League of Americafounded by Saint Frank J. Loesch, the head lawyer of the non-profit non-government civic group Chicago Crime Commission, along with Henry Parsons Crowell, chairman of the board of Quaker Oats and on the Board of Trustees of the Moody Bible Institute. Advertiser G.W. Robnett was Chairman for twenty years and his own “Institute for Special Research” compiled surveillance reports on suspected American communists and sympathizers. The Church league was financed by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, the Coors Foundation, Howard Phillips, and General Robert Woods among others [p. 256]. This anti-communist, anti-labor, racist organization lasted until 1984.

Yeadon/Hawkins’ historical research found that during 1928 some twenty-five religious denominations received more than $400 million in donations and managed another $132 million from other funds. In 1926 the Baptist Church received $469,835,000; Congregational $164,212,000; Methodist $654,736,000; Presbyterian $443,572,000; Episcopal $314,596,000. Yeadon notes the total value of those religious denominations is about two billion dollars, and that in 1926 the total federal budget was only $2.9 billion (NH, p. 256).

Once a candidate for Governor of California in 1958, Colonel William Gale, founded Posse Comitatus and the Christian Identity church called the “Ministry of Christ” which included the head of the Aryan Nations, Richard Butler, as a member (NH, p. 185).

The Ministries of Hate:
Reverend Gerald Winrod, Rev. William Bell Riley, and Rev. Carl McIntire

“Remembrance of the past may give rise to dangerous insights, and the established society seems to be apprehensive of the subversive contents of memory.”
--Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man, p. 101 (pdf.)

I want to review some of the most important ministers that authors Yeadon/Hawkins mention in their historical review in the hope the reader will be interested in doing further reading about this historical merger of right-wing fascist groups and American Christianity; and most importantly, the reader may see parallels with today's political atmosphere. After the Pearl Harbor attack, some isolationist propagandists were reincarnated in fundamentalists churches as right-wing anticommunists. In some cases, Yeadon is able to follow these crypto-fascist religious organizations and personalities all the way to 2001.

Even as early as 1919, Reverend David Burrell of the “Marble Collegiate Church” in New York was militantly anti-union arguing the Christian Bible “proves” unionism is anti-Christian and anti-American. Burrell’s sect of American Christianity attacked anyone who supported labor rights, or any organizations that lobbied for social services such as “The National Welfare Council,” and the “Commission on Church and Social Services.” Yeadon regards this early date after WWI as when American Christianity became radicalized by the extremist right-wing (NH, p. 109). From out of this religious extremist trend several other authoritarian, White Supremacist, anti-Semitic, and Christian Identity leaders emerged out of the body politic as representatives of a Christian revival movement.

Reverend Gerald Winrod: "The Jayhawk Nazi"
("Jayhawk" is a nickname for a person from Kansas)

International Jewish Communism, which has already undermined all nations, firmly expects to exterminate all Christians.”
—Gerald Winrod, The Jewish Assault on Christianity,1935​

A former Kansas utility clerk, Gerald Winrod (1900-1957), founded the “Defenders of the Christian Faith” fundamentalist Christian fascist group in 1925, and a monthly magazine named, “The Defender” that had a circulation in 1937 of 100,000 monthly readers. He was also a candidate for the U.S. Senate in the 1938 elections. Winrod believed FDR was part of a world-wide “Jewish-Communist” conspiracy of from which Hitler will save the world. The Defenders were against homosexuality, prohibition, evolutionary science, and for racial segregation. He was appointed to a Minnesota committee to examine school textbooks for potential banning. Winrod was closely associated with the Christian fascist group “Christian American Association” led by a Texas Pentecostal preacher, Harry Hodge. Gerald Winrod was indicted for sedition against the U.S. in 1942. Winrod’s son, also a Christian Identity minister, Gordan Winrod, was sentence to 30 years in prison for kidnapping in 2000.

Winrod helped Rev. William Bell Riley (1861-1947) compose a bill banning teaching evolution in local schools for submission to the Minnesota legislator. Riley was an extremely conservative Baptist minister who embraced the anti-Semitic track “The Protocols of the Elders of Zionproclaiming a world-wide Jewish conspiracy for world domination that involved in particular President FDR in a communist plot to destroy America. During 1919 Riley founded the “World Christian Fundamentals Association” and was affectionately nicknamed by some as, “The Grand Old Man of Fundamentalism.” Riley crusaded against the teaching of evolution and urged attorney Willam Jennings Bryan to represent his organization in the famous 1925 “Monkey Trial,” or Scopes Trial, while successfully launching campaigns that removed evolutionary science from the school curriculum of his day. This Christian fundamentalist preacher also believed in an international Jewish-Bolshevik-Darwinist world-wide conspiracy, and wrote a famous sermon titled, “Shivering at the Sight of a Silver Shirt,” for the White Supremacist paramilitary group, “The Silver Legion of Americaran by William Dudley Pelley. In 1942 Pelley was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years in prison for 11 counts of making seditious statements, obstructing military recruiting, and fomenting insurrection within the military” after the Pearl Harbor attack.

Riley also founded in 1902 the Northwestern Bible Training School (Northwestern University, Minnesota) with an auxiliary Seminary. After Riley died in 1947, a young Pastor named Billy Graham became the school’s President from 1948 to 1952. I have written two other essays on the Rev. Graham in “The ‘Graham’ Inquisitor,” and “Rev. Billy Graham's last Public Fascist Rally: Shivering in the ‘Light’ of the Silver Shirts.

One of Reverend Billy Graham’s wealthy patrons during the 1950s was oil, munitions, and Thompson machine gun producer Russell Maguire. Maguire purchased “The American Mercury(1924-1981) conservative magazine in 1952 which he later sold to Rev. Winrod’s “Defenders of the Faith” in 1956 after giving the magazine an anti-Semitic reputation. Billy Graham’s picture appeared on the 1957 edition cover while Maguire donated $75,000 to his ministry ($808,717 adjusted for inflation today) for producing a propaganda film praising the free enterprise system. George Lincoln Rockwell was a writer for the magazine who later became the founder of the American Nazi Party. Yeadon/Hawkins write of Maguire:

The film Graham produced was called Oiltown, USA. Graham continued his friendship with Maguire after producing Oiltown, and wrote several articles for the American Mercury…. Maguire and the Mercury were ardently anti-communist, and also called for the abolition of the income tax, the UN, NATO, the ACLU and Zionism. Throughout the 1950s the Mercury, under the guidance of Maguire, supported Senator Joseph McCarthy. Other writers for the Mercury included J. Edgar Hoover, Ralph de Toledano and George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party. De Toledano's resigned from the OSS after refusing to work with liberals. Maguire was an open backer of fascism and fascist organizations and was an early supporter of Rockwell. Rockwell often complained about Maguire's miserly donations (Link added; NH, p.116).”

Since the 1950s, Russell Maguire has been arrested multiple times for molesting children as young as eight years old and in 1984 he was acquitted by reason of insanity for molesting a young girl in 1983, but was immediately arrested on a Florida fugitive warrant and molestation charge of a fourteen year old girl.

Yeadon/Hawkins’ mentions the fundamentalist radio preacher, Rev. Carl McIntire (1906-2002) as an important figure shaping the religious right from the 1940s until today. A highly educated minister, McIntire was kicked out of the Presbyterian Church for his rejection of all modernist theology, and extremist views of “anti-communism, anti-socialism, anti-liberalism, anti-Catholic, anti-union, anti-Semitic, racist and pro-business (NH, p. 257).” McIntire founded the “American Council of Churches,” and during 1941 asked the Federal Communication Commission to divide the airtime given to Protestants between the fundamentalist broadcasters and the Federal Council of Churches.

“… McIntire played a pivotal role in obtaining and exploiting airtime. McIntire's 20th Century Reformation Hour aired for years before being surpassed by the new fundamentalists of the 60s. Perhaps McIntire's greatest hour came in the early 1950s with his close association with McCarthy and Hoover of the FBI. However, McIntire's more lasting impact was that in furthering the careers of three other fundamentalists, Billy James Hargis, Dr Fred Schwartz and Major Edgar Bundy.38 (Ibid, p. 257).”

In 1937 MacIntire founded the Bible Presbyterian Church, and purchased radio station WXUR, Media, Pennsylvania during 1965. MacIntire built a vast empire of conference centers, hotels, schools, radio, newspapers, and watchdog organizations. By the mid-70s the tax cheating Reverend saw his empire collapse leaving behind a half a million-dollar tax bill for the holy city of Cape May, New Jersey. In 1999 his own congregation at Bible Presbyterian Church forced him to resign. Francis Schaeffer was the first minister to be ordained in MacIntire’s right-wing denomination. I should note that Francis Schaeffer was passed off as progressive, or modern when he first became well known from his book, “He is There, and He is not Silent,” (1972). I think this book is meant as a retort to Wittgenstein’s famous aphorism in part seven of the Tractatus, “(7) Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” But I doubt Francis Schaeffer ever read Wittgenstein, or Heidegger. It was out of Francis Schaeffer’s religious community founded in Switzerland during 1955 called L'Abri (French for "the shelter") that the violent right-wing anti-abortion movement targeting doctors emerged in the United States.

The WWII isolationist “America First Committee (AFC)was created in 1940 by Douglas Stuart Jr. who is the son of the first vice president of Quaker Oats. Also, remember that Henry Parsons Crowell, was a co-founder of Quaker Oats and on the Board of Trustees of the Moody Bible Institute as a founding member of The Church League of America (see NH, p. 187, 256). Along with Stuart, retired US. Army General Robert E. Wood and chairman of Sears, Roebuck and Co. headed the AFC. Members of the America First Committee included Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Gerald Ford, and many other isolationists with diverse political views which was the goal of the committee. Financing for the AFC generally came from the same familiar conservative industrial sources as The Church League of America funding: “Fundraising drives produced about $370,000 from some 25,000 contributors. Nearly half came from a few millionaires …. Other funding came from executives of Montgomery Ward, Hormel, and Inland Steel (Wiki: AFC).”

The AFC existed for only fifteen months until the Pearl Harbor Attack rendered isolationism unpopular, and the organization collapsed as both the Japanese Empire attack, and Hitler a few days later, declared war on America. However, the same domestic pro-fascist forces that successfully delayed American’s entry into war against Nazi Germany by using American Christian churches, will now go to work aiding the Nazi in the war effort with intelligence, and literally shouted-down the U.S. Justice System to allow Nazi war criminals and their collaborators to escape the hangman’s noose.

"They had overplayed their hand. The Fourth Reich would indeed rise but it would not rise in Germany. It would rise in the United States.”
--The Nazi Hydra, p. 366

I began these series of short summary essays as a critique of the Christendom of our times, or Christian fascism, and to historically review key movements of the rise of fascism in American Christian Churches at the start of WWI until today. However, such an historical analysis is meaningless, if not impossible, without understanding the historical-politico-cultural context in which this particular cult of irrationalism emerged. This limited inquiry is meant to stimulate reader interest in this period of history with the hope of enhancing understanding of the political environment today in America.

Fortunately, yet in another sense unfortunately, there are plenty of resources for documenting eyewitness testimony and important historical events. But the question is also “What do the facts mean?” I believe there has been enough of a political paradigm shift in American perception to now allow this question to be answered more clearly. The amount of reading required for this topic is overwhelming, but not impossible to comprehend with organized research. Here are some key historical resources that I have depended upon in my reading and have available pdf files:

"The Nazi Hydra: How America's right-wing politicians are plunging the country into a fascist police state," by Yeadon/Hawkins (2003-2008 ) (denoted as Hydra)( pdf.). 540 pages with a fat bibliography of other resources documenting the rise of American fascism. Yeadon reports more detailed documented reports of treason by Allen Dulles than even the next volume by David Talbot.

The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the rise of America's secret government,” by Talbot, David, (2015) (denoted as DC) (pdf.). 723 pages with a good photo section. How Allen Dulles with Nazi war criminal intelligence officer Major General Reinhard Gehlen reverse engineered the Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers, or SS Nazi intelligence agency, and adapted it to post WWII America and Germany. Talbot's profound insightful conclusion is Allen Dulles organized the murder of JFK. My focus is not primarily about the assassination of JFK, but about Allen's Dulles actions that embedded fascism in American intelligence bureaucracies which brought about the young president's death.

The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination: the definitive account of the most controversial crime of the twentieth century,” by Waldron, Lamar (2013) (HH)(pdf.). 548 pages. Waldron narrows down a short list of suspects in JFK's murder and their relationships to Allen Dulles as director of the CIA.

"Ultimate Sacrifice: John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK," by Lamar Waldron & Thom Hartmann, Carroll & Graf, (2005) (denoted as US) (pdf.964 pages. A massive resource for key historical data on JFK's assassination and goes into some details of how Dulles deceived JFK about the plans to invade Cuba.

The historical documentation in all four books independently overlap and reinforce one another in specific details and narratives. I recommend starting with the most general description “The Devil's Chessboard” followed by “The Nazi Hydra,” then “The Hidden History,” and lastly, the very detailed, “Ultimate Sacrifice.

We will review some of Allen Dulles' actions during WWII while 1.) managing Nazi industrial cartel finances and leaking valuable war intelligence. 2.) Recreated a fascist anti-Soviet intelligence agency for both West Germany and America (the Org) based on the experience of Wehrmacht Major General intelligence officer, Reinhard Gehlen, (CIA code name “UTILITY”) who retired in luxury including a sailboat and living in a mansion near Pullach, Germany thanks to the American taxpayer's limitless generosity to Nazis (see details; DC, p. 252). Lastly, 3.) helped Nazi war criminals escape the hangman's noose, lobbied for commuted prison sentences, and purged intelligence records of Nazi war criminals to help them evade justice.

Dulles Does the Fascists' Laundry

On January 4, 1933, Hitler was invited to the Schroeder Bank by a group of industrialists. The industrialists gave Hitler the money to overcome his financial problems in turn for a pledge to break the trade unions. Present at this meeting were two Americans John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles.”

--Hydra, p. 386.

Allen Welsh Dulles (1893-1969) was the official fifth director of the CIA from 1953 until JFK fired him in 1961. Dulles had also been an agent in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) since 1941. Allen Dulles was the brother of the corrupt Republican John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) who served as a New York senator, and the 52nd U.S. Secretary of State from 1953 to 1959 under President Dwight Eisenhower. Allen Dulles worked as a lawyer at the League of Nations and met Hitler, Mussolini, and Goebbels. Both Dulles brothers worked as corporate lawyers for the Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. During WWII against Nazi Germany, Allen was the Swiss Director of the OSS in 1942 in Bern, Switzerland until the agency was dissolved in 1945. Although A. Dulles was handling intelligence about Nazi Germany, he was also managing Nazi corporate finances of American/German cartel agreements and leaking sensitive American war intelligence to the Nazis:

In fact, Dulles’ career in Berne during WWII is marked by several money laundering cases. After the Nazis tipped Dulles off that the Swiss codes had been broken, Dulles shifted his operation to the banks of Belgium, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, using a roundabout route through Japan aided by Vatican couriers.8 After the end of the war all the banks in these countries refused to allow allied investigators to look at their books. One of Dulles’ dirtiest tricks may have been an effort to buy more time to move Nazi gold through Switzerland. A former East Bloc intelligence officer has confirmed that Dulles warned the Nazis the Japanese code had been broken at a crucial time. Shortly after warning the Nazis, the SS suddenly told the High Command to use tighter code security and to stop using the radio. They suddenly stopped using Ultra and switched to couriers. For once, the Allies had no information on the German battle plan. This most likely explains how the German’s were able to launch the Battle of the Bulge as a complete surprise13 (Hydra, p. 411).”

Talbot has additional historical information on Dulles activities during the war:

...Hermann Schmitz, the CEO of IG Farben, the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for its production of Zyklon B, the gas used in Hitler’s death camps, and for its extensive use of slave labor during the war. Schmitz was one of the many Dulles brothers’ law clients and business associates who were involved with BIS [Bank for International Settlements]. It was a close-knit circle of men whose relationships smoothly weathered the storms of war. Even as his company was stockpiling poison for Hitler’s exterminators, Schmitz would send cheery Christmas and birthday greetings to his American business friends. The secretive BIS became a crucial financial partner for the Nazis. Emil Puhl—vice president of Hitler’s Reichsbank and a close associate of McKittrick—once called BIS the Reichsbank’s only 'foreign branch. 'BIS laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in Nazi gold looted from the treasuries of occupied countries. Some of the gold was torn from the mouths of concentration camp victims or melted down from Jewish families’ candleholders, cigarette cases, and other personal belongings (DC, p. 31).”

“1934: The US Senate Nye Committee hearings revealed Samuel Pryor, chairman 
of Remington Arms & founding director of both the UBC & the American Ship 
& Commerce Corp. had joined in a cartel agreement with I.G. Farben. The 
committee also uncovered that the Nazis were armed with mostly American arms.”
--Hydra, p. 386.

The Tricky Dick

Allen Dulles is responsible for starting the careers of two politicians—Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Eisenhower was indebted to Allen Dulles: “Eisenhower was deeply beholden to the Wall Street Republican power brokers who had not only recruited him for the presidential race but had helped finance his electoral battle, loaned him one of their own—whiteshoe lawyer Herbert Brownell Jr.—to run his campaign, and had even tapped Dick Nixon as his running mate. The Dewey-Dulles group was Ike’s brain trust and bank (Hydra, p. 189).”

During and after WWII, Nixon was able to hide evidence that would have found Dulles guilty of treason: “While still serving in the navy, Nixon was given some captured documents to review. The contents would have revealed Allan Dulles as a traitor. In exchange for burying the documents Dulles agreed to fund Nixon's first political campaign. Nixon's campaign benefited from large contributions from a large New York bank connected with Brown Brothers and Harriman (Hydra, p. 398 ).”

Nixon's first political campaign Dulles financed was the 1946 California 12th congressional district election against the incumbent New Deal Democratic representative Jerry Voorhis because he had called for an investigation of the BIS and the dismantling of the Nazi corporation I.G Farbin. Such investigations would expose American corporate officers including Rockefeller's Chase Bank and JP Morgan's National City Bank of New York of working with the Nazis during the war. Nixon, a self-confessed Quaker, won the election against Voorhis charging the Democratic candidate with being a communist, and the proposed investigations never happened (see details; Hydra, p. 241-2).

Where specifically did Dulles get the funds to bribe Nixon? It turns out that one source of Nixon's campaign money was channeled through a client of Allen Dulles named, Nicolae Malaxa, a Romanian industrialist described by US security reports as a “master of the art of bribery” who financed right-wing groups in Romania...and we could add the United States. Dulles introduced Nixon to Malaxa knowing he collaborated with both the Romanian homegrown fascist Iron Guard and communists so that he fled to the United States in 1945 as the communist took over; and with Dulles as his lawyer, was allowed to stay in the United States as a non-citizen with a nice tax break to boot! The poor Romanian emigrant only had a paltry $500 million dollars ($6.5 billion into today's dollars) left hidden in overseas accounts to finance Cold War operations in other countries. Nixon received a $100,000 check and a...Cocker Spaniel. But then just before the Eisenhower-Nixon Presidential election of 1952....

“In a twist of bad luck for Nixon, one of the tellers at his bank branch turned out to be a Romanian refugee who loathed Malaxa. He sent a photostatic copy of the check to political rivals of the notorious industrialist in the exile community, who in turn forwarded the copied check to their contact in the CIA, Gordon Mason, chief of the agency’s Balkans desk (DC, p. 173).”

The bribery scandal hit the national American media forcing Nixon to go on television in defense of himself, but the Big Dick didn't mention the $100,000 check, or the Romanian fascist CIA was instead about the...tiny dog, Checkers.

And on a last note of the brutality of the Romanian fascist Malaxa and his Iron Guard allies:

In January 1941, Malaxa’s green-uniformed Iron Guard thugs...launched a coup attempt, using the industrialist’s [Malaxa] mansion as a base for their assault. During the coup, the Iron Guard fell upon the country’s Jews in one of the most horrific spasms of violence in Romania’s history. Thousands of Jews in Bucharest were rounded up and beaten and tortured, including one group of more than a hundred—among them children as young as five—who were marched into a municipal slaughterhouse and butchered. The Iron Guardsmen hung their victims, some still alive, on meat hooks and 'mutilated them in a vicious parody of kosher slaughtering practices,' according to one later account (DC, p. 175).

The Gehlen Org

If Gehlen had not been rescued by U.S. intelligence authorities after the war, he almost certainly would have been convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg.”

--Talbot, DC, p. 249.

The “Gehlen Org” had an annual budget of US$1,500,000, in 1948, or $18.3 million dollars adjusted for today. In 1956 Gehlen officially became the first Chief of the foreign intelligence service, the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) of West Germany until his retirement in 1968. Gehlen's fantastic luck of being fired by Hitler and rescued by A. Dulles was due to the fact the shrewd intelligence officer had the presence of mind to collect a cache of Soviet military intelligence which he copied onto microfilm and hid in the Austrian Alps. Gehlen was able to negotiate with Dulles to escape war crimes and rebuild the Nazi intelligence agency that monitored the Red Army. Using the Org as the prototype model, Dulles was able to adapt this horrific intelligence institution to American society.

Some critics of Gehlen's creation of the Org charged the intelligence agency reports were all along misleading by overstating the Soviet's military power and fueling a Cold War atmosphere of fear and paranoia threatening to bring about a re-Nazification of Germany and Europe. Old habits are hard to break. At one point when the leftist Social Democratic Party looked as though it would replace the conservative Adenauer government, Gehlen proposed to Dulles overthrowing West German democracy. Talbot summarized the situation:

“In 1952, West German police discovered that the CIA was supporting a two-thousand-member fascist youth group led by ex-Nazi officers who had their own alarming plans for terminating democracy. Police investigators revealed that the CIA-backed group [the Org] had compiled a blacklist of people to be 'liquidated' as 'unreliable' in case of a conflict with the Soviet Union. Included on the list were not just West German Communists but leaders of the Social Democratic Party serving in the Bundestag, as well as other left-leaning government officials (DC, p. 257; bracket added).”

You'll never know who will show up at The Org!

“In a secret 1954 memo, later declassified, the agency acknowledged that at least
13 percent [about 40 agents] of the Gehlen Organization was made up of 
former hard-core Nazis.”
--Talbot, DC, p. 241; brackets added.

The Org compound-- also known as “The White House” -- was setup in the village of Pullach, Germany that had been headquarters of Hitler's advisor, Martin Bormann. Gehlen told Army officials he would not hire former SS or Gestapo officials (Ibid., p 246). However, Gehlen began to hire former high-level elite Nazi officials such as Dr. Franz Six who was tasked to command death squads after the invasion of Britain to exterminate anti-Nazi resistors just as he did in the Einsatzgruppen death squads on the the Eastern Front, and the Weimar lawyer Dr. Hans Globke who authored parts of the 1936 anti-Semitic Nuremberg Race Laws. These were the happy faces around the Org. This passage by Talbot is really disturbing:

“Gehlen had turned Pullach into its own separate world, with over two hundred of his top staff and their wives and children living and working in the compound. Before Critchfield [The 1948 CIA Chief of the Munich office who wanted to shut down the Org] moved in, the German spymaster himself had lived with his wife and four children in Bormann’s two-story house. Known, ironically, as the “White House” (DC, p. 247: brackets added).”

Angleton, Dulles and Wisner all worked with and helped Nazi war criminals to escape from Europe. Many immigrated to the US after having their records sanitized by Dulles and others within the intelligence community.” -- Hydra, p.310

Globke was a close political advisor to the West German ultra right-wing extremist Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and was gathering intelligence on Adenauer's political opponents. In one incident Globke was collecting information on German political leaders from the Org's vast secret database, and of course, decided to remove his own incriminating intelligence file.

The Soviet mole Heinz Felfe and proud Kristallnacht Nazi thug was able to infiltrate the Org for over ten years handing over secret surveillance information to Russian intelligence.

In another case, Gehlen hired the highly educated and charming Franz Six who was an officer of the SD intelligence agency of both the SS and Nazi Party. His job assigned by Hitler himself was to form death squads to exterminate anti-Nazi partisans and some 300,000 British Jews after the planned invasion of Britain, but the invasion was canceled due to British resistance. The reassigned Chief Six of Vorkommando Moscow instead applied his expertise in the Soviet Union and executed 144 persons and another group of 46 of which 38 were Jewish intellectuals. U.S. Army intelligence agents finally arrested Six for his war crimes and served only a four year prison sentence, but after his release he returned directly to work at the Org in only a few weeks (see details; DC, p. 246-7).

Konrad Fiebig, is another Org member, but was later charged with murdering eleven thousand Jews in Belarus during the war. Also, Walter Kurreck commander of the death squad Einszgruppe D, was responsible for tens of thousands of murders. All of these war criminals got on the US payroll list.

Four D's of FDR:
Demilitarization, Denazification, Decartelization and Democratization

The failure to de-nazify Germany was largely due to a deliberate sabotaging of the 4Ds program by those seeking to protect the US corporations that had traded with Hitler throughout the war." --Hydra, p. 358

There were two schools of thought regarding Germany after WWII with Franklin D. Roosevelt ordering the tougher Morgenthay Plan, or hard peace that required the demilitarization of a partitioned Germany. FDR's post-WWII plan for Germany is referred to as the 'Four D's” plan. The Marshall Plan to rebuild West Germany's industrial base was to be the next phase of development. However, key figures in FDR's administration had other opinions and would sabotage Roosevelt’s Four D's plan with acts of treason.

Immediately after Germany's unconditional surrender, the United States began war crime trials of the Nazi leadership, and punishment. Two American tribunals were formed to carry out FDR's denazification program: the Simpson commission, and the Peck commission were composed of member panels to review the sentences of persons convicted of war crimes. Yeadon/Hawkins noted how these commissions worked to allow Nazi war criminals escape justice:

Both the Simpson and Peck commissions were politically motivated. The Nazis were counting on their agents and sympathizers in other countries— including the United States— to do their bidding after the close of the war. The conservative faction of Congress did not disappoint the Nazis. In fact, the conservative Republicans by the end of the 1940s had succeeding in perpetrating the myth that the Nuremberg war criminals were not criminals but were instead the victims of Roosevelt. By the decade’s end, many people had come to accept that myth. This conservative faction was aroused to action by the Malmedy Trial, and the false charges made by Nazis within Germany of torture and brutality. Included in this faction was John Rankin and Harold Knutsen, the pro-fascist Minnesota congressman. Also, included were Francis Case Republican representative from South Dakota and John Taber Republican representative from New York (Hydra, p. 337; links added)."

High Commissioner of Germany, John McCloy:

At the center of the sabotaging of the denazification program within the United States were three Wall Street firms: Brown Brothers and Harriman, Dillon and Reed, and Sullivan and Cromwell. At the very eye of this corruption was Prescott Bush, John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles....”--Hydra, p 264

John J. McCloy (1895-1989) was a Republican Wall Street lawyer for the firm Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine and Wood (that happened to represent I.G. Farben) who was hired as a consultant in 1940 by the US War Department, and in 1949 appointed as the High Commissioner of Germany. McCloy was one of three men governing post-war Germany including the right-wing Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and economist Lewis Douglas as the head of the Finance Division of the Control Council. Amazingly, all three men governing West Germany were related by marriage and were sons-in-law of the JP Morgan partner and wealthy industrialist Fredrick Zinsser! (See details; Hydra, p. 332).

During WWI Zinsser's chemical plants produced mustard nerve gas that can cause genetic damage to human DNA. Working for the War Department McCloy selected targets for bombing in Germany. He once shared a spectator box with Hitler during the 1936 Olympic Games, and as an assistant secretary of war planned the internment of Japanese Americans (Hydra, p. 332). He stopped the bombing of death camps, and even of the rail lines leading to the death camps (see details, Hydra, p. 333). During 1944, FDR's US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. accused McCloy of being anti-Semitic for refusing to take in Jewish refugees into the United States. Yeadon/Hawkins described McCloy's role in disobeying FDR's orders for West Germany:

Clearly McCloy’s machinations was to crippled the 4Ds program from the start. He had his hand in the selection of two of the most powerful positions in postwar Germany, the military governor and his economic aide. McCloy carefully chose both knowing that they were opposed to dismantling German industry and largely opposed to the 4Ds program. Moreover, he was chiefly responsible for rewriting the directive to insure that German industry would not be held responsible for some of the worst crimes of the Third Reich. Later, McCloy would take over as the military governor and free most of the war criminals (Hydra, p. 278 ).”

Yeadon/Hawkins report that after WWII McCloy became president of the World Bank (1947), chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (1953), the Council on Foreign Relations (1954), Ford Foundation (1958 ), the Warren Commission (1963), and “ of the original supporters of one world government ruled by corporations (Hydra, p. 279).” After WWI the American oligarchy (Wall Street lawyers and bankers) rebuilt and rearmed Germany prior to WWII resulting in a greater fusion with Germany's oligarchy after its military defeat.

John McCloy accepts an award for an honorary citizen of Berlin as President von Weizsacker and President Ronald Reagan look on.​

McCloy's brother-in-law, Lewis Douglas was a mining engineer with a degree in economics and most likely worked for the OSS. Douglas was the massively wealthy heir to the Phelps-Dodge copper mining operation who was against FDR's New Deal believing it was a Jewish conspiracy. Douglas was a right-wing extremist like his father's former employer, the Dodge Family who were members of the eugenic movement, antisemitic, and militantly anti-union. (See details, Hydra, p. 278 ).

The Blessed Courts

The resulting Cold War would serve as a smokescreen to cover up the crimes of fascists within the United States. No American corporation would face charges of trading with the Nazis. None would be even charged. Dulles was adamant on that point. He had used his post in Switzerland to protect his own dealings with the Nazis and those of his clients. He was now in a position to further protect those American corporations that had willingly supported and traded with the Nazis during the war.
Roosevelt’s pledge to bring all war criminals to justice had died with him.”
 --Hydra, p.310

McCloy used his powerful position to ignore FDR's demand for a hard peace meaning all Nazi war criminals be judged and sentenced; instead, McCloy commuted the death penalties of ten defendants, and reduced the sentences of seventy-four others against the Peck Commission's final judgments with the exception of four unlucky Einzatzgruppen defendants, and the key architect of the Final Solution Oswald Pohl whose death sentences by hanging where carried out. (See details, Hydra, p. 351). However, Baron Otto von Bolshwing worked closely with Adolf Eichmann persecuting Jews in Bucharest, Romania and even organized an anti-Jewish attack with the Romanian Iron Guard in 1941 resulting in 125 deaths. Otto Von Bolshwing worked for the Gehlen intelligence group and was allowed to enter the United States to eventually die peacefully at a California rest home in 1982.

Friedrich Flick was one of twenty-two high Nazi officials of Nazi Germany held for war crimes that included exploiting 48,000 forced slave laborers taken from concentration camps of which some eighty percent died and providing funding for right-wing parties including the Nazis (50,000 Reich Marks) plus 100,000 Reich Marks yearly donations from 1936 to 1944 to the Nazi party totaling 7.65 million Reich Marks by end of the war in 1945. The I.G. Farben cartel (composed of six dye companies), Alfried Krupp, and Flick were key financiers of the Nazi Party. As the Jews were persecuted, Flick would seize their property by forced low priced selling. Flick was held in the Landsberg Prison (the same prison Hitler was jailed for his crime of treason in 1923) and sentenced by the Nuremberg court to seven years in prison in 1947. During his imprisonment Flick was allowed to direct his companies and summon advisors at will. As High Commissioner of Germany McCloy allowed Flick to walk out of Landsberg Prison in 1950, along with one-third of all the other prisoners. McCloy reduced seventy-four sentences, while commuting ten death sentences including Nazi officers that murdered eighty-four surrendered Americans POWs at the 1944 Malmedy massacre in Belgium. The Dachau Trials handled by the Simpson Committee imposed 43 death sentences, but none of the guilty were executed for their crimes.

After release from prison the Nazi war criminal, Friedrich Flick, was the richest person in West Germany (the fifth in the world) when he died in 1972. His industrial empire included 330 companies, and 300,000 employees. Most disturbingly, the unrepentant Flick continued to use his vast wealth to rebuild fascism by paying off politicians like the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Christian Democratic Party between $53,000 to $200,000, and laundering money to right-wing political operatives—the same pattern Flick engaged the Third Reich. (See details; Hydra, p. 347).

The Non-Confessing Church

"In post-war Germany, the clergy proved to be mostly pro-Nazi. The clergy that had opposed Hitler and his henchmen had been sent to the concentration camps.”

-- Hydra, p. 301

"Yet it is beyond any human effort, even the Christian, to escape from the demonic control of everything real. Therefore, even the Church has again and again succumbed to demonry.”
--Paul Tillich, Interpretation of History (pdf.) p. 51

In an earlier essay, “The Parallelism of American Fascism and Christian Fundamentalism,” authors Yeadon/Hawkins reviewed the history of fascism infecting American Churches after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 resulting in a destructive mutant version of Christian Nationalism financed by a right-wing corporate oligarchy with powerful political committees, surveillance organizations, cultist right-wing sects, authoritarian, anti-unionist, antisemitic, virulently racist, and chiliastic. These same prewar fascist forces were already duplicated in Nazi Germany to regenerate Christian Nationalism by rescuing Nazi war criminals from punishment. Nazi diplomats developed a Niederlage, or “defeat” for a Nazi comeback plan that required placing agents in charitable organizations such as shelters, orphanages, and the Evangelical Relief Society for example. (see details, Hydra, p. 355). The “Confessing Church” was a group composed of Protestant Germans in opposition to the pro-Nazi Protestant German Evangelical Church that I call the “non-Confessing Church.”

Post-WWII Germany was still very dangerous for antifascists since many pro-Nazi fascists were reappointed to their positions of authority such as in law enforcement, the shopkeeper's store, the workplace, and the church—especially the church. Those citizens set to testify before denazification tribunals were still in physical danger from the defendants. Some trial witnesses were victims of Nazi death squads called “Werewolves.” The German churches, especially the Catholic Church, encouraged potential witnesses to give false positive testimony in support of former Nazis, and manipulated witnesses into believing it was a sin to give a bad testimony. (see details, Hydra, p. 353). German law enforcement was particularly corrupted by employing former Gestapo officers and were an important part of the Niederlage comeback plan. Yeadon noted one investigative article reporting on the degree of re-infiltration: “The November 1957 issue of the Frankfurter Hefte exposed the number of the news and publishing media that was willing to promote the Nazi line: 'In the Federal Republic there exist today 46 political associations of this character. The Nazi-militaristic wing is served by 30 newspapers, 68 Rightist book and magazine publishers, and 120 former Nazi publicists. In addition, there are approximately 50 nationalistic youth organizations'103 (Hydra, p. 358 )." Church officials were continually lobbying McCloy to set Nazi war criminals free, and he responded by allowing some of the worst war criminals to escape punishment, setting a pattern for decades to come.

"Thus the social demonry of the present is revealed in its duality, in its immense supporting and destructive strength. Shattered for a moment, it is at present on the point of re-establishing itself, in order better to sustain and—better to destroy.”

--Tillich, IH, p. 58

Klaus Barbie (1913-1991), the Butcher of Lyons was able to avoid justice for 33 years thanks to the generosity of the Christian American people. This may explain why the French hate Americans so much. Christian Nationalist Klaus Barbie tortured some 14,000 French adults and children, in some cases using water and ammonia. The Gestapo Barbie set up a trap in Lyon at a charitable shelter for Jews known as the 1943 rue Sainte-Catherine Roundup and arrested 86 people, of whom 62 were men and 24 women who in this case were later deported to extermination camps such as Sobibor, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, and Majdanek. There were only three survivors. One arrestee was an eight-month-old infant sent to a death camp because the child was crying too loudly. The open killing of children by camp guards was a practice meant to psychologically torture prisoners. Attractive women were sometimes whipped in the face in an attempt to blind them. French authorities asked for custody of Barbie who was in the American military zone in 1943, but McCloy refused claiming the charges against Barbie were merely hearsay even though Barbie was on the Allied list of wanted war criminals (see details, Hydra, p. 351). With the help of American intelligence agents Barbie escaped to Bolivia, but not until 1987 was he arrested for war crimes and convicted with a life sentence. The Butcher of Lyon died of cancer while in prison.

"Now, if it [the State] claims absolute validity for the assumed forms in which it must live as earthly society, if it calls itself Kingdom of God, then it succumbs to arrogance and violates culture and society in demonic heteronomy.”

--Tillich, IH; bracket added, p.107

Long books could be written about any one of the atrocities as in the case of Nazi war criminal Schutzstaffel (SS) officer Joachim Peiper who escaped the Allies' executioner for egregious crimes against humanity including murdering 24 Italian soldiers, and 84 American POWs machined gunned with twenty of the wounded soldiers shot in the head at the Belgium Malmedy Massacre during December 1944. Other massacres of American POWs in the area by the Waffen-SS amounted to 300. As Himmler's ideal Nazi, SS Peiper was a propaganda superstar of Operation Barbarossa (22 June – 5 December 1941) death squad operations in Russia, then Italy, and later Belgium. Peiper's division was known as the “Blowtorch Battalion” that burned entire Soviet villages as he rolled through in his flame throwing tank.

"But real demonry—if this word is to have any special content—occurs only in connection with a positive, sustaining, creative-destructive power. This is true also of the last great demonry of the present, nationalism."

--Tillich, IH, p. 57

SS Peiper was sentenced to death in 1946, but was then commuted to life in 1951, and released from Prison in 1956. Once again the Dachau Trials were governed by the Simpson Committee which means ultimately by McCloy. The Malmedy defendants claimed they were tortured by guards for confessions. A committee was set up to review the case which included the right-wing Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), who represented a substantial block of constituents of German heritage and was fervently for the defendants. Imagine the American Senator McCarthy arguing that the defendants were tortured and should be released while hundreds of thousands of Americans mourned their dead fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. Juxtaposed that defense of Nazi war criminals against McCarthy's 1947-1957 persecution of at least 245 blacklisted American leftists. The fuller historical context given by Yeadon/Hawkins tells us about the church:

The only evidence that the Simpson Committee relied upon came from the defendants and German clergy working to free all war criminals. In post-war Germany the clergy was uniformly sympathetic to the Nazis. The dissenters had been sent to the concentration camps where many of them perished. The evidence the Simpson Committee gathered regarding torture of prisoners was incredulous at best. More often than not the evidence did not bear up to examination...[Judge Edward Leroy van Roden, of Delaware County, Pennsylvania] ludicrous claims of torture were the beginning of the revisionist movement about the Holocaust (Hydra, p. 337; brackets added).”

With the CIA and German governments still covering for Peiper, he decided to move to the beautiful countryside village of Traves, France in 1970; a country where the Nazi blitzkrieg burned through entire villages with the victims locked inside a church, or barn.

After knowledge of SS Peiper's presence within France spread more widely during 1976, a group of antifascists became so outraged they burned Peiper's house down with him inside. There were no tears shed for Joachim Peiper.

Joachim Peiper - Burned Alive 30 Years After WW2

"But it is necessary to interpret some structures on which society is built as 
symbols of demonic powers, and it is necessary, in making these symbols manifest to open the struggle against the demonry of a everything that points to the unconditioned has a symbolic character and can never be grasped actually, empirically. In symbols and only in symbols shall we speak now of the 
demonries of the present.”-Tillich, IH, p. 107

The key church officials during the war crimes trials were Cardinal Faulhaber, Bishop Wurm, Cardinal Josef Frings, Bishop Meiser (Protestant), and Pope Pius XII. Any church officials who resisted the Nazis had long since been sent to the death camps. Germany was a leading light in modern science and philosophy with some of the greatest theologians of Western Civilization including Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was tortured daily and hung in April 1945: that generation of religious thinkers was nearly wiped out—in some cases actually crucified. One month later German Cardinals renewed the 1934 concordat in May 1945. Between the years of 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany used the guillotine to execute 16,500 prisoners; however, 10,000 of them were guillotined during 1944 and 1945 alone (Wiki: fn. 27-28 ).

"The demonry of the state, church, and economics is visible when the holiness of these social forms, their right to sacrifices, is misused destructively—wherewith as a result the self-destruction, namely the shaking of the belief in their holiness, is connected.”

--Tillich, IH, p. 45

"Amen, Hitler!"

--French Roman Catholic Military Chaplin,Mayol de Lupe   

Because official Vatican courier diplomats had immunity, Dulles and chief of counter-intelligence James Jesus Angleton were able to help the Nazis and the Vatican launder their assets. The friendly relationship was mutual as the Nazis told Dulles that the Swiss communications codes were broken just in time to redirect funds to Belgium, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein and Japanese banks; later, all participants refused to disclose to the Allies their transactions. The redirected monetary flow of funds was so vast, the influx of currency literally stimulated the entire national economy of Argentina during the1950s. Human identities were also laundered by the Britian-Vatican-CIA cartel. Yeadon/Hawkin recommends the book, “Unholy Trinity” by Mark Aarons, John Loftus, St Martins, 1998, 545 pages (pdf.) (See details: Hydra, p. 410, 412, 494, 516).

"The Government, being resolved to undertake the political and moral purification of our public life, is creating and securing the conditions necessary for a really profound revival of religious life.”-- Adolph Hitler, 1933 Reichstag speech.

Both Catholic and Protestant clergy competed for Hitler's favor in the hope of controlling the German educational system that meant millions of Marks in government subsidies in a classic kickback scheme. Hitler favored the Catholic Church only because it was more centralized for control with a relatively smaller membership to bamboozle and to further factionalize a very religious German culture. Germany had 45 million Protestant members, compared to 21 million Catholics. For a full history see Robert P. Ericksen's book, "Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust," (pdf.) (1999). You will find very familiar phrases used in Nazi Christian Theology such as "Kulturkampt", the word from which we get "culture wars." One Nazi slogan is, “Kinder, Küche, Kirchen,” or “Children, Church, Kitchen” to describe the proper social roles for women. Some American churches are totally unaware they have been bombarded with Nazi propaganda presented as theology for decades. In actuality, Hitler was an unhappy atheist discussing with his closest secretary, Martin Bormann, for a way to replace a pacificist “Jesus is a woman with a beard "version of Christianity that is incompatible with Nazism: there would be no plans for church buildings in a new Germany after military victory. For a complete treatment of this topic see, “The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis – Part I by Gregory S. Paul,” (pdf.) 2003.

You shall know them by their fruits.”

--Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:16

Cardinal Faulhaber was opposed to the denazification program (video: Erasing Hitler) as was the Bishop Wurm from Wurremberg who believed Hitler that Nazism and Christianity were compatible, and hoped the Führer would bring about a Great Awakening religious revival. Other church officials included Cardinal Josef Frings, who demanded all executions of war criminals be halted, and Bishop Meiser from the Protestant church who never protested the Nazis Regime. There were 351 Protestant clergy still identified as Nazis with only three removed by 1946 (details, Hydra, p. 351). These clergy were members of the 1948 propaganda group “Committee for Christian Aid to War Prisoners” led by Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer who invited McCarthy to the Malmandy trial, and Ernst Achenback who helped round up 2,000 Jews before 1945; both lawyers advocated granting amnesty of war crime defendants. Clergymen Frings and Wurm were able to raise substantial amounts of money from more than sixty industrialists through “The Committee for Justice and Trade,” to create a war crimes defense fund. (Details, Hydra, p. 353).

In 1955 Dr. Hans Globke had control of Gehlen's Org network of former Nazis spies and special access to German chancellor Konrad Adenauer while packing Nazis into many important West Germany government positions. These resurrected Nazis soldiers planned to regain power in Europe once again by waging an anti-Communist propaganda program of fear to provoke a war between the United States and the Soviet Union. (Details, Hydra, p. 364). The propaganda memes of a world-wide threat of communist domination, and the unjust persecution of Germany's prisoners of war were repeated in the American media. Globke was able to get written support in the States from North Dakota governor William Langer, publicly avowed Nazi banker Prescott Bush, Strom Thurmond, Thomas Dodd, West Virginia Rep. Robert Byrd, Missouri Senator Stuart Symington, FBI Director Herbert Hoover, and retired U.S. generals del Valle, Willoughby and Wedemeyer with a total of 150 congressmen. Republican Senator William Langer claimed the American tribunals were like Stalin's show trials charging, "At Nuremberg the Communist used war crimes trials to liquidate their external enemies (Hydra, p. 339)."

The most powerful liaison of the Vatican to Allied occupied West Germany Bishop Fargo Muench called during 1950 for a full general amnesty of war criminals with the support of Pope Pius XII comparing the Nazi criminals to persecuted Jews. (See Hydra, p. 341). This gaslighting technique was known as “fragenogen, or a pledge that the accused was whiter than white (Hydra, p. 354).” Yeadon/Hawkins report of another case wherein a local priest warned his followers not to speak to a prosecutor because he was “a Jew that had just returned from Auschwitz.” For the larger context British officers Stang and Steele reported their conclusion on the failure of the Allied war crimes tribunals: “They reported that the Nazis remained a privileged class. The failure to remove Nazi foremen and shopkeepers left the Nazis in control of the daily lives of the German population. The anti-Nazis did not have the strength to challenge the former order. The foremost anti-Nazis had already perished in the concentration camps or were executed by Nazi courts (Hydra, p. 353).”

Believe it or not, veteran Nazi soldiers already organized themselves into an illegal clandestine paramilitary group of 40,000 soldiers that included 2,000 former Wehrmacht officers called the Schnez-Truppe (1949-53) organization and was structured like the FreikorpsBefore WWII, all the Wehrmacht Army drove GM trucks and carried U.S. made weapons—but after their military defeat the Wehrmacht Army drove GM trucks while carrying U.S. made weapons.

I want to contrast efforts of the US Government that worked so hard to grant clemency to Nazi war criminals against the cruel use of Amercian drug laws that sentenced millions of young Americans to hard prison time, in some cases a life sentence for possession of a single cannabis seed, or contrast the two life sentences of the Native American activist Leonard Peltier who has served over forty-six years in prison for the alleged murder of two FBI agents (which he denies). Take for example, the Treblinka guard, boxer, and skilled whipper, Kurt Franz, whose one hobby was to kick infants up into a wall to watch their skulls break open. The courts took ten years after WWII to find Franz guilty of 35 other counts of murdering 139 persons, and 300,000 camp prisoners collectively (see full list of indictments describing hundreds of Franz's murders). Franz was released from prison in 1993 for bad health and died in 1998. Even though Amnesty International, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and the 14th Dalai Lama requested clemency, Obama still denied clemency for Peltier.

"... it is necessary and absolutely demanded to unveil the demon and to seek and use all the weapons of resistance; but there is no certainty of success, for there is no certainty that a finite reality, even if it be Christian culture, is indestructible. The demon inspires such a false certainty. There is only one certainty, that the demonic is overcome in eternity, that in eternity the demonic is depth of the divine and in unity with divine clarity. Only in view of the eternal may one speak of overcoming the demonic, not in the view of anytime, a past or future.” 

--Tillich, IH, p. 58

Allen Dulles Gaslights America:

Democracy as a Cold War Casualty

My hermeneutical principle of historical interpretation is simple: imagine the worst possible debacle, and that will be the truth. However, it has a flaw—historical reality is far worse than my ability to imagine. World War II resulted in the deaths of 70 million to 85 million human beings from the battlefields, diseases, and famines. These series of short essays re-accounting the rise of fascism in America only touched on this complex history relying on Yeadon/Hawkins' historical research with other critically selected resources found in Wikipedia, and YouTube documentaries for factual information that provide a general idea of the cultural-political context in which this catastrophe occurred. This historical narrative of Nazi Fascism is not based on some occult history contradicting long accepted documented events, but rather is a more complete history of those military, ideological conflicts and most importantly, the role of capitalism. How easy it is to reduce the war against fascism to battle dates—to logistical facts, or partisan party politics, and overlook the fascist paradigm. General Patton was chewed out by Eisenhower for saying, "This Nazi thing is just like a Democratic and Republican election fight (Hydra, p. 351).” The Allied Forces won the war despite the American oligarchy dragging its feet to enter the war; helped the Nazi cartels hide stolen national treasures; protected joint American-Nazi capital; and after the war opened the prison doors for some of the elite Nazis who committed mass murder on an industrial scale while other war criminals were even rewarded to a degree that boggles the mind of ordinary people.

"What in the devil is the American Army doing in Germany, if not to denazify the German government and administration? The Russians killed their Nazis; the Americans put them in office."

--Eisenhower's response to General Patton (Pledge Betrayed, p. 136-7) (pdf.)

There are at least 2,000 books on JFK's murder, and it is easy to get lost in the battle of ballistics which is not irrelevant, but downstream from those ultimately responsible for setting off these murderous series of causes and tragic consequences. After many decades of research by an army of authors, it is time to look upstream to the sources of power during the buildup of the Cold War that caused so much human suffering, and death, and destructiveness of lives unlived. During the 1950s American anti-communist fever turned into a nationally subsidized cottage industry once insiders realized money and careers could be made—and on television! The same kinds of right-wing fear campaigns and political lobbying are being subsidized today by a tsunami of money derived from the environmentally devastating effects of oil drilling and fracking.

Careerism was the driving force behind this Cold War jobs program. Corrosive patriots arose everywhere! Anyone could be the Good James Bond despite one's own flaws because the bad guys where commies...and the unpopular, a minority, a friend, and a politician. Cuban mafia exiles were in Florida since the 1953-59 Cuban revolution with some merging operationally with the American mafia—and they hired a good mafia lawyer, Richard Nixon. During 1963 New Orleans was the headquarters of mafia boss Carlos Marcello who ruled over Louisiana, Mississippi, and parts of Texas and Alabama (see, US, p. 12), then both criminal organizations invited their White Supremacists friends in the South so that everybody could get on the CIA intelligence payroll directly, or indirectly. Careerism is the major driving force of American Cold War hysteria during the 1960s and on. The professional career of any person that contradicted J. Egar Hoover's pronouncement that Oswald was the lone gunman was in danger of being blacklisted, or even murdered so that all evidence contradicting Hoover was ignored, missing, or deliberately contaminated.

The US government intelligence agencies have lied about JFK's murder for over sixty years, hiding classified documents; fabricating conspiracy theories to mislead and discourage critical thinking; and even edited the Zapruder film to gaslight the American people (see documentary, “The Zapruder Film Mystery”). Any conclusive evidence to settle questions about Kennedy's murder—the subject's pulverized brain for example—went missing or was destroyed. However, the circumstantial evidence of JFK's murder collected during these decades of research by various citizen investigators is overwhelming and sufficient to form a judgement today of the kind of government we live under.

Oswald's Background

...this indigestible morsel”

--Soviet intelligence agent's description of Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia

Lee Harvey Oswald was first described by the media as a lone child who rode the subway all day to escape home; having no loving parents and grew up to be a Marxist, then decided to kill JFK. I remember these media reports as a child—communist, Marxist, Russian spy, and Jack Ruby (not initially described as the mob boss who casually walked into the Dallas Police Department like it was one of his whore houses). However, many decades later biographies of people in Oswald's life emerged. Life biographies are more difficult to falsify and can even be corrected. I have already reviewed some of Allen Dulles' history, but CIA agent David Ferrie, and Oswald also have interesting biographies.

Allen Dulles loved to drop references to Plato in interviews while denying the CIA would not kill anyone (unless authorized) implying to the listener, “Look, I'm just a scholarly professor that wouldn't harm a fly... Plato said.... etc.” Dulles despised idealists of any kind, whether it was his Presbyterian minister father Allen Macy Dulles, JFK, or “true believers” like Lee Oswald. CIA agent and pedophile David Ferrie (US, p. 465) would present himself as a professor of philosophy and even took up the nickname “The Professor” (US, p. 499). I believe the teenage Oswald later modelled his CIA persona on Ferrie by claiming to have studied Marxist philosophy. Oswald's public radio recitation of Marxism could be found in any Encyclopedia's first three introductory paragraphs on Marxism. Viewing the infamous photograph of Oswald holding his rifle and two newsletters, one could not know the publications were printed by two opposing factions of communism (US, p. 492). It is not impossible that Ferrie could have written Oswald's Marxist elevator spiel. Oswald had a high IQ of 118, an excellent memory (maybe a photographic memory), but was dyslexic, had some hearing loss (US, p. 462), and was a terrible marksman (US, p. 266).

Note: Speaking of philosophy, the old OSS intelligence agency respected philosophy, and especially logic. CIA agent Lewis Williams Douglas (bother-in-law of McCloy, and Konrad Adenauer of West Germany) had a difficult time at Amherst until college president, Alexander Meiklejohn, taught him logic. Also, I should mention German paramilitary death squads murdered some 2 million people in 500-man units known as the “Einsatzgruppen” during 1938 and was led by some of Germany's most highly educated leaders: nine of the seventeen death squad leaders held Ph.Ds. One commander, Otto Rasch held two Ph.Ds (law and political economy) and demanded he be addressed twice as “Doctor, Doctor Rasch.” Higher education is no absolute defense against barbarism. The most fearsome power of the demonic is its dynamic-creative self-sustaining ability to metamorphize a person's highest values and aspirations into opposing forces within a spiral of blind destruction.

After the Bay of Pigs debacle, he [CIA agent David Ferrie] denounced Kennedy with such vicious abandon during a speech to a veteran's group that he was asked to step down from the podium. The president “ought to be shot,” Ferrie began telling people.”

--Devils' Chessboard, p. 463

A close look at Oswald shows he was up to his neck with CIA agents—it would be simpler to keep track of those near Oswald not connected to the CIA! The fifth teen-year-old Oswald first met CIA agent and commercial pilot Ferrie at a Civil Air Patrol group in 1954. Ferrie recommended to Oswald that he join the Marines military force. The youth flying club was established by a right-wing extremist Texas oilman and defense contractor who also owned the building known as the Texas School Book Depository that hired Oswald in 1963. Agent Ferrie was a homosexual pedophile who often traveled with two teenage boys. Ferrie would attempt to hypnotize the young cadets and lure them into a drug research program at the University of Tulane. Incredibly, the CIA MKUltra drug experimentation program ran for twenty years from 1953 to 1973. Oswald was stationed at the Atsugi, Japan naval air base that also had a CIA LSD experimentation center. (see details, DC, p. 463-4). Ferrie denied ever knowing Oswald. A few weeks after the “New Orleans States-Item” published a story in 1967 about New Orleans Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of Ferrie's imminent arrest for conspiracy of murder, Ferrie wrote two suicide notes and was found dead, however, Orleans Parish coroner Nicholas Chetta and pathologist Ronald A. Welsh ruled that Ferrie died of a stroke.

On the same night of Ferrie's death his friend Eladio del Valle —an associate of mobsters Trafficante and Masferrer—had a terrible accident in Florida. (details, Ultimate Sacrifice, p. 813). Eladio del Valle had been tortured, shot in the heart at point-blank range, and his skull split open with an ax. This must be some kind of message.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle."
~George Orwell wrote in 'Why I Write.'

What is most important to understand is that Oswald was working in a network of intelligence agents. Oswald knew gunrunning drug dealing sex trafficking Jack Ruby, assassinated Dallas police officer J.D. Tippet, David Ferrie, FBI agent Guy Bannister, and CIA agent Claw Shaw ( See researcher Joan Mellen's videos on Oswald's associations). Waitress Mary Adda Dowling saw Oswald, Ruby, and Tippit at the Dobbs House restaurant, a hangout for right-wing John Birchers, on the morning of November 20, 1963. Mary Adda knew Jack Ruby because he would continually ask her to work as a dancer (stripper) for him. Also, Dallas police officer Tippet's wife worked as a “dancer” for Jack Ruby. There was an entire network of mafia hit men, CIA, FBI agents, and Cuban terrorists spanning from Florida, New Orleans to Dallas in a sleazy underworld subculture of self-righteous self-proclaimed patriots. Just before Ruby shoot Oswald he wired twenty-five dollars to his favorite dancer to pay her monthly rent. Just imagine the power Ruby had over the women that danced from him. Yet, the Dallas police admired Ruby and even looked up to him as a honorable man. Just look at the depressing black and white films of how the police and media treated Oswald as opposed to Ruby calmly answering questions in a suit and tie sitting at a table.

The Paines (sic) of Government Intelligence

"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers 

which are cited to justify it."
--John F. Kennedy, Secret Societies Speech, 1961.

Kennedy was not only speaking of the secret societies such as those found in some political organizations, and corporations, and even universities, but also of the mafia, paramilitary groups, and rogue intelligence agencies—JFK was onto Allen Dulles. Other intelligence agents in Oswald's life includes the former OSS agent and later military intelligence CIA field agent George de Mohrenschildt who in 1961 introduced the newly arrived Russian immigrants, Lee and Marina Oswald (formerly, Marina Prusakova) in 1961 to Ruth and Michael Paine. Mohrenschildt first met Oswald through “Fort Worth's Russian-American community, oil accountant George Bouhe.” Mohrenschildt said FBI agent Max Clark and CIA agent J. Walton Moore reported Oswald was safe to help, but never explains why he wanted to help. George was formerly, “von Mohrenschildt” indicating aristocracy, and he was a founder of Radio Free Europe. George knew the Bouvier family and as a child Jacquelin Bouvier (later married JFK) called him “Uncle George” and even sat on his knee. It gets stranger.

Agent de Mohrenschildt worked as a petroleum geologist based in Haiti in 1963 and worked for Pantepec Oil owned by the William F. Buckley Sr. family in Venezuela. Also, he was a member of the extremist right-wing Dallas group Texas Crusade for Freedom whose members included oilman David Harold 'Dry Hole' Byrd (owner of the Dallas school book depository that employed Oswald and founded the Civil Air Patrol club where Oswald and Ferrie first met). Mohrenschildt as able to get Oswald a job at the Dallas photographic lab Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall in Oct. 1962 to prepare maps from U-2 spy plane photos in spite of the fact Oswald was claiming to be a pro-Cuban Marxist! He believed Oswald was an scapegoat and eventually entered a mental institution in 1976, then committed suicide with a shotgun in 1977. Witness, Joseph Dryer, told the HSCA in 1978 that shortly after the assassination of JFK $200,000 or $250,000 had been deposited into de Mohrenschildt's bank account. CIA director Richard Helms believed Mohrenschildt was a Nazi espionage agent. A Nazi within the CIA--really?

On December 3, 1963, before JFK was killed the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) ran by Naval Intelligence reported to the 'National Security Council Staff' that Oswald did not work for Castro and he was under 'tight surveillance.' (details, US, p. 129). Also, US Army intelligence had a surveillance file on Oswald that predated the assassination and kept from the Warren Commission led by Allen Dulles. A year later when Congress asked for Oswald's Army intelligence file, Congressman Richard Preyer told journalist Anthony Summers that it had been destroyed. (details, US, p. 261).

The problem with Oswald is he hung around with the wrong crowd.”


Agent Mohrenschildt introduced Lee and Marina to the married couple Ruth and Micheal Paine (Documentary) who happened to be deeply involved in national security all through both family histories. Ruth Paine claimed to be a Quaker, and her mother  Ruth Forbes Young  was the great-granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson who lived on Naushon Island near Cape Cod where Allen Dulles and his mistress Mary Bancroft visited. Both Bancroft and Dulles knew Ruth and Micheal Paine from the island. In fact, after visiting her mother on Naushon Island, Ruth went to pick up the arriving Oswald family from Russia. Ruth Paine's stepfather was the Bell Helicopter inventor, Arthur M. Young, who made a fortune selling the Model UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) helicopter used in the Vietnam War. Young was a defense contractor and had security intelligence clearance (so his phone was recorded). And working with his father-in-law at Bell Helicopter was Ruth's husband, Michael Paine, who also had security intelligence clearance and had a role setting up SWAN Island radio used in the Bay of Pigs failed invasion. After JFK's killing, Michael calls Ruth on the phone from his Bell office before Oswald was identified as a suspect saying, “Oswald will be blamed for the killing, but we both know who was really responsible for the assassination.”

Ruth Paine's biological father, William A. Hyde, worked for USAID, a foreign aid front agency for the CIA, and had been considered as a covert agent assigned to Vietnam during 1957. Ruth Paine's sister Sylvia Hoke was a psychologist for the...CIA. Sylvia's husband, John Hoke, worked for USAID, but later failed security clearance to be an intelligence agent. (See de-classified CIA documents). At least Oswald's mother Marguerite wasn't a CIA agent, but she was running her own investigation!

I always wondered how Oswald could take care of his pregnant wife and still be so politically active. It turns out that Ruth Paine let Marina Oswald and her new born child move into her Dallas home with her own two children since she was separating from her husband Michael Paine. Oswald could only visit his wife on weekends, however, Michael would take Oswald to at least six left and right political meetings during these family weekends. It was at Ruth Paine's home Oswald stored his rifle that was then missing, but also other evidence mysteriously appeared after agents searched her home at least three different times. Ruth would find evidence the agents supposedly missed in earlier searches including an unauthenticated confession handwritten by Oswald having the fingerprints of seven people, but without Oswald's or Marina's fingerprints. It was Ruth Paine who found Oswald a job at the Texas School Book Depository, but she did not tell Oswald about an employment agency message offering a better position. Ruth Paine was absolutely convinced that Oswald was the lone killer of JFK. Shortly after the assassination, Ruth and Michael reunited. It appears that Ruth, Michael, and Mohrenschildt were baby-sitting Oswald's family all this time. (For a short, but comprehensive video summary of these events see, “Possible conspirators in the JFK Assassination from Intelligence to New Orleans to Dallas...and why” by Ted Yacucci.).

JFK's Sexual Affair Doings

While taking a political science class, I discovered that one conservative politician would spend two hours a day researching the US Library of Congress for Kennedy's sexual affair stories to leak to the press. I am sure some of these stories are true, but it takes two--or more--to tangle. But to be fair, Allen Dulles was doing Miss Clare Booth Luce, the wife of his close friend and owner of Time-Life Magazine, Henry Luce, who was a fervent promoter of Italian Fascism, even publishing two editions of Time magazine in 1923 and 1926 with Mussolini's portrait as the cover story. On the other hand, publisher Henry Luce was getting his revenge by doing Dulles' mistress, Mary Bancroft. The wife of Allen Dulles, Martha Clover Dulles, knew Bancroft very well and knew that Allen Dulles was doing them both. When Clare Booth Luce wasn't doing Allen Dulles, in her spare time she would republish a speech given as an ardent Christian Catholic condemning the new sexual social mores of the 1930s. (details, DC, p, 217). Martha Dulles also had an affair with JFK's father, Joseph P. Kennedy.

The Zapruder Film: version 2.0

There is a massive amount of literature on the assassination of JFK with some more recent information on the Zapruder film researched in the documentary “The Zapruder Film Mystery” already mentioned. The documentary interview is of the photo interpreter Dino Brugioni who worked at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC). Brugioni was asked by agents to copy selected frames for making briefing boards; however, Brugioni now reports the Zapruder film was altered from the original copy and is missing critical frames essential for reconstructive forensic interpretation (see documentary @ 1:18:48 minutes). The critical film frame 336 showing the fatal rifle shot has the back of JFK's head inked out to conceal the exiting impact direction of the rejectum and bullet path.

Also, Professor of History, Harry Bowen, has presented enhanced photo evidence of the fatal rifle shot coming from the front of Kennedy's head and forming a swelling tuber in the back of the head. (see, Bowen's Presentation on JFK Assassination; 11/15/18; @ 36.50).

"In the practical sphere two demonries likewise surpass all the others in significance and symbolic force and shape the face of our times. They are the demonries of autonomous economics: capitalism, and the demonry of the sovereign people: nationalism.”
-- Tillich, IH, p. 57.

Meditations on the Diremption of Spirit

...self-consciousness passes in its unhappy state of diremption.”--Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, Baillie trans., p. 203 (pdf.)

The Old Man will take care of it.”

--A Russian Orthodox Priest's reference to the “Kennedy problem” at the home of the right-wing Director W. Glenn Campbell of the Stanford Hoover Institution in the summer of 1963.

JFK awards the National Security Medal to Dulles at the CIA headquarters in Langley, November 28, 1961. The very next day JFK fired Dulles who then immediately ran CIA covert operations from his home office.

JFK also fired Deputy Director General Charles Cabell of the CIA who was the brother of the Mayor of Dallas in November 1963, Earle Cabell who was also a CIA agent since 1956.

Autopsy photo of JFK 

Exactly two years to the day after his firing, Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission.
John J. McCloy also served on the Warren Commission.

“446. Spirit is essentially self-diremptive, but just as bare being dirempts itself 
into the Thing with its many properties, so the ethical life 
dirempts itself into a web of ethical relations.”
--A.V. Miller translation, “Phenomenology of Spirit;” his interpretation of
 para. 446, p. 551 (pdf.).

How are we to interpret these historical facts, i.e., what do the facts mean? There are two general approaches for conducting historical research: on the one hand is Reason (Vernunft), or collecting empirical facts of events (name, dates, places). On the other hand, Understanding (Verstand) goes beyond the particular facts to the universals of language meaning so that unity and coherence is given to the stream of raw sense data received in experience and through historical research. This second kind of historical study must use language in a highly metaphorical style to convey the abstract meanings not explicitly expressed with empirical descriptions of facts. 

The philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Hegel, would often use the language and symbols of the Christian religion, or picture thinking, to interpret historical change such as in the phrase, “the Calvary of absolute Spirit” and writes: “But the other side of its Becoming, History, is a conscious, self-mediating process--Spirit emptied out into Time; but this externalization, this kenosis [self-emptying], is equally an externalization of itself; the negative is the negative of itself (Phenomenology of Spirit: para. 808; brackets added).” " Geist” is a key term used by Hegel meaning both “spirit,” and “mind,” to describes the shape of human consciousness (i.e., worldview, or life-world) in a particular historical period (i.e., Ancient Greece, Feudal Middle Ages, the Enlightenment). Hegel's ontology (Absolute Idealism) is not emergent from below, but emanates from latent potentiality appearing phenomenologically as actuality unfolding through Reason (Logos) in a dynamic teleological process of oppositions in time slowly drifting toward the achievement of authentic human freedom. For Hegel, world history is about the human spirit becoming incarnate as objective phenomena by expressing itself in the world—this historical experience is described symbolically by Hegel as the “the road to Calvary.” Hegel believed spiritual life is culture. Of course, Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche would strongly disagree with many of Hegel's views. Marx's criticism of Hegel is that he only interpreted the world, but the point is to change it. (Video, “Hegel's Idealism & Marx's Materialism” @ 7:20 minutes).

Consciousness, on its part, appears here likewise as actual, though, at the same time, as internally shattered; and this diremption shows itself in the course of toil and enjoyment, to break up into a relation to reality, or existence for itself, and into an existence in itself.”

--J.B. Baillie's translation, “Phenomenology of Spirit,” p. 211 (pdf.)

Diremption” is defined as a violent separation, to put asunder, to divide, or to break off. The New Testament gospels write of the moment of Christ's death upon the cross of Calvary, "And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent... (Matt. 27:51; Mark 15:38; Hebrews 10:20; ll Cor. 3:15).” The term ἐσχίσθη (verb 3rd sg aor ind pass) means, “to split, cut open, to part, to separate.” The Greek term for “rent” used by Matthew is σχίζω from which we get the word “schizo” as in “schizo-phrenia” (two minds). French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, and psychoanalysts Félix Guattari write in their book, Anti-Oedipus (1972), that schizophrenia is the disease of capitalism. The term “diremption” can be found in Hegel's “Phenomenology of Spirit” translated by Hegelian scholars A.V. Miller who used this word eight times and J.B. Baillie transcribed it seventeen times. Hegelian scholars translate the German word “Urteil” [judgment, or decision] taken by Hegel to derive from “Ur-” and “Teilung” [division], the meaning of “originary division.” “Diremption” describes human consciousness in the state of internal conflict from contradiction, as when making moral, legal, or political judgments. Contradiction—whether a propositional contradiction, or a performative contradiction— is a precursor of an extensive paradigmatic shift in self, society, and life. St. Paul reminds the early New Testament Christians of the woven three-and-a-half-inch thick torn veil in the Holy of Holies representing the Old Testament paradigm of Hebraic sacrificial laws that was negated; yet, retained in another form by a transcending New Testament telos toward a new form of life (καινότητι ζωῆς: Romans 6:4). The Old Testament paradigm is broken: “Pain rising into the concept,” as Adorno would say to describe this process of spiritual life as negation and regeneration.

Without idea no lofty, great, rounded, splendid life exists.”

The assassination of John F. Kennedy is a diremption of the Spirit of a nation yet to be resolved. Allen Dulles is the deist god who released a demonic, autonomous Cold War Fear Machine that devours everything in its path—friend and foe alike. It is not human genetics that defines a person as an American, but rather one's belief in the propositions and ideas of the United States living Constitution. How can a people of a nation rationally hold to a national idea if educational, religious, and governmental institutions-- if the same are suspected of committing, concealing, or accepting such an irrational act of homicide in order to better prepare militarily for nuclear world war? Could such a nation even be rational, or a free country, or a democracy, or even Christian? An Empire of Lies is vulnerable to cultism, collapse, and the ruination of life.

"...Spirit has dirempted from itself. It has completed its task, thinks Hegel, so now philosophy must step-in to provide the foundations for ethical life [Sittlichkeit in German]. Thus again, the end is the beginning. So, are you ready to rise to the occasion of philosophy to contribute to its project?"

--Dr. Johannes A. Neiderhauser

The Owl of Minerva (is not what it seems)

The End